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chapter 11 study


mobilization readying of troops for war supplies ( food, uniforms)- transport weapons/ soldiers
schlieffen plan this plan called for a holding action against russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium tp paris; after france had fallen, the two german armies would defeat Russia.
stalemate a situation in which neither side is able to gain the game
sussex pledge march 24, 1916: a german U-boat sank the sussex, a french passenger ship. the U.S. then threatened to cut diplomatic ties with germany. this resulted in the sussex pledge, in which the government promised that U-boats would warn ships before attacking.
belligerent countries at war
contraband war materials supplied by a neutral to be a belligerent nation could be seized
atrocities brutal crimes of war against defenseless civilians
selective service act it required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.
convoy a heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships back and forth across the atlantic in groups
armistice truce
liberty bonds to discuss anything "disloyal or abusive" about the american government or the military.
great migration the large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of southern blacks to cities in the north
daylight savings time a way to take advantage of the longer days of summer
espionage act made it illegal to interfere with the draft
sedation act made it illegal to obstruct the sale of liberty bonds or to discuss anything "disloyal or abusive" about the american government or the military
reparactions debt for economic injury suffered during war( $33 billion)
4 main causes for world war 1 nationalism- in countries with diverse populations the longing of an ethnic minority for independent often to violence. (2) militarism- policy involved aggressively building a nations armed forces in preparatory for war.(3) imperialism- european powers
rushed to beat each other to the remaining uncolonized areas of the world. ..
where was archduke franz ferdinand the heir to the throne of? austria-hungary
where was the archduke shot? sarajevo ( capital of Bosnia)
who killed archduke and where was he from? serbian nationalist group shot and killed the archduke and his wife.
who were the central powers? germany and austria-hungary, together with the ottoman Empire- an empire of mostly middle eastern lands controlled by the turks- were later known as the central power.
who were the allied powers? the triple entetee which consisted of france, britain, and russia
what were the new weapons used during world war 1? like the machine gun, had been so refined that they changed the natures of warfare. two most innovative were tanks and airplane.
what was the lusitania? a british passenger ship
what happened to the lusitania? it sunk and killing 1.200 people (128 americans)
why was the lusitania important? the american press immediately went wild over what they called germany's act of "barbarism"
what were the three main reasons that the U.S. entered world war 1? (1)british propaganda about german atrocities brutal crimes of war against defenseless civilians.(2)zimmeran Tellegram:note from german foreign minister to mexico that was ontercepted by the british and was decoded as saying if mexico would fight the
united states , they would receive land in the southwestern U.S. that mexico had lost in 1848(3)thinking they needed to try and end the war, germany continued unrestricted submarine warfare violating the sussex pledge. .
who was vladimir lenin? he was the russian leader of 1917. he was the founder of the soviet union.
how did vladimir lenin change the war? he established the new communist state
who was john pershing? he led the american expeditionary force that included men from widely separated parts of the country.
who was in charge of the food administration during WW1? woodrow wilson
what was wilson's 14 points speech about? 1918: even before the war had ended president wilson presented to congress his fourteen point program for long term peace.
what were the 6 main provisions of the speech? no secret treaties, freedom of seas, removal of all economic barriers of tariffs, reduction of national arms, self-determination = power to make decisions about ones own nature, league of nations: an attack on one is an attck on all.
who were the four main countries involved at the paris peace treaty? britain, france, italy, and the U.S.
which country left early and why? italy left early because it didnt receive all the land it had demanded.
Created by: loverockstar92
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