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what are 4 rules in the lab? - don’t enter a lab without a teacher present - listen carefully to the teachers instructions - wear safety glasses when doing experiments - don’t run in the lab
what are another 4 rules in the lab? – Keep bags and blazers under desks – don’t eat or drink in the lab – tell the teacher about how you spells your breakages – hair and tie back during experiments
look over conical flask, evaporationing dish, measuring cylinder bosshead clamp and clamp. N/A
what is matter? Mother is anything that takes up space. All matter is made up of tiny particles that are constantly moving
how is a subastance compressed? A substance can be compressed if its volume can be reduced by squeezing the substance
how do things dissolve? The smaller particles fill the spaces between the larger liquid particles
what is a solid? The particles in a solid are closely packed in an ordered arrangement and I cannot move past each other. The particles in a solid vibrate and have small amounts of energy
what are the properties of solid? Solids have a fixed volume and shape, do not flow and cannot be compressed
what is a liquid? The particles in a liquid are closely packed and are disordered and they can move past each other. The particles in a liquid have more energy than particles in a solid
what are the properties of liquid? The goods have a fixed volume, can take of their containers and can flow but cannot be compressed
what is a gas? The particles in a gas are widely spread out and move randomly. They have more energy than particles in a liquid.
what are the properties of gas? Gases have a very low density, flow easily, fill their containers and can be compressed
what is it called, solid to liquid? Melting point
what is it called, liquid to gas? Boiling or evaporating point
what is it called, gas to liquid? Condensing point
what is it called, liquid to solid? Freezing point
what is it called, solid to gas? Sublimation
what is kinetic therory? Kinetic theory can be used to explain the effect of heating or cooling a substance in terms of particles.
what happens when a substance is heated? When a substance is heated the particles in the substance gain energy and move more
what happens when a substance is cooled? When a substance has killed the particles in the substance lose energy and move less.
what hold a solid together? Links or bonds.
what are the kinetic theory properties of a solid? The temperature of a solid increases when it is heated as the particles in the solid gain energy and vibrate more vigourously.
what are the kinetic theory properties of a liquid? The temperature in a liquid increases when it is heated as the particles in the liquid gain energy and move faster.
what are the kinetic theory properties of a gas? The temperature in the gas increases when it is heated as the particles in the Gain energy and move faster
how do you make rock salt? 1. Crush rocksalt using a mortar and pestle 2. add the crushed solid to water and stir. 3. Once dissolved, pour through a filter lined with filter paper.. 4. Collect the solution and place in an evaporating dish 5. Heat till half the volume is removed 6.
what is a solute? A solid that dissolves in a solvent
what is a solvent? A liquid that aside it dissolves in
what does miscible mean? liquids that can mix together without separation
what does immiscible mean? Liquids that don’t mix together and they separate
what does soluble mean? A substance that can be dissolved
what does insoluble mean? A substance that can’t be dissolved
what is residue? The insoluble solid that remains after filtering
what is a solution? Is the mixture of a solvent and a solute
what is filtrate? Liquid collected after passing through filter
what is the fuss about smoke particles? Smoke particles move in a zigzag motion. It’s caused by the smoke particles being unevenly bombarded by invisible, fast moving air particles.
why do things smell? Particles causing the smell become gas and move through the air by process called diffusion. The diffusion or spreading out of particles occurs by Brownian motion.
who first saw pollen move? Robert brown
who explained why? Albert Einstein
explain the bromine vapour experiment.
revise the melting point of wax experiment.
revise the boiling point of ethanol experiment.
Bromine vapour experiment The Bromine vapour defuses into the second gas until between particles are evenly spread between both jars. The particles in nitrogen dioxide gas are lighter so therefore diffuse faster under the same conditions.
Look over wax and ethanol experiments N/A
Created by: deleted user
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