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Sara Parker

Anatomy Ch1-7

3 twitch contraction phases -latent period -contraction period -relaxation period
threshold stimulus minimal level of stimulation
4 kinds of proteins in myofilaments are myosin, actin, tropomyosin, troponin
muscle tone maintained by negative feed back
gliding movements in carpel and tarsal bones
Joint characteristics joint capsule, synovial membrane, articular cartilage, joint cavity, menisci (articular disk) ligaments, burse
3 main parts of neurons -dendrites- branches of neurons- receive signals -soma- main organelles- nucleus -axion- wrapped in fatty myelin, (nerve fiber), carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
Action Potential (nerve impulse)- chemical signal triggering an electrical signal w/charged ions, sends signal down axon to release neurotransmitter and relay signal.
Osteoclasts breakdown bone, release Ca in the blood, up
Osteoblasts build bone, remove Ca in the blood, down
Flat bones skull, ribs, sternum- protect organs, hematopoiesis, - inner spongy-- outer compact
Long Bones Humorous, Femur-- have epiphysis (ends) and diaphysis (middle) framework, hematopoiesis-- ( in middle is the metaphysis---(growth plate).
Hematopoesis primary cite is in the red bone marrow---- in the flat bones and epiphysis
Yellow marrow Made of fat cells in the diaphysis on long bones
Bone Matrix Divided into 2 groups--- inorganic salts----- organic matrix -salts- hydroxyapatite crystals- calcification - mostly 85% hydroxyapatite crystals- 10% calcium carb. 5% other minerals
Endosteum thin, fibrous membrane that lines medullary cavity of long bones
Periosteum Dense, white fibrous membrane that covers bones- except for joint surfaces, where articular cartilage forms on coverings * contains bone forming & destroying cells *essential for bone cell survival and formation
3 categories of Layers of skin -Epidermis- first 5 layers - Dermis- next 2 layers - Subcutaneous (hypodermis)
5 layers of the Epidermis ( Bottom 3) (5 stratums--- bottom 3 alive -Stratum Basale- generate keratinocytes ( has Melanocytes) -Stratum Spinosum- cells can loose H20 shrivel and look spiny -Stratum granulosum- keratohyalin granules- release lamellar bodies- form lipid layer - impermeable.
Top 2 layers of Epidermis (top 2 dead) -Stratum Lucidum- clear layer- dead cells no melanocytes- no nuclei -Stratum Corneum- Dead cells- 15-20 layers- conts to sluff off
Created by: slparker
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