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7Sci Chapter 5

Body Organization & Structure

What does homeostasis maintain in the body? a stable internal environment
What is a tissue? a group of similar cells that work together
What is a collection of two or more tissues that work together to perform a function called? an organ
What is the type of tissue that supports and protects organs called? connective tissue
What system absorbs oxygen from the air and releases carbon dioxide? respiratory system
What system sends out chemical messages? endocrine system
What system breaks down food into nutrients? digestive system
What system supports and protects body parts? skeletal system
What system sends and receives electrical messages? nervous system
What system helps defend against disease? lymphatic system
Tissue that cushions the ends of bones where they meet in a joint. cartilage
What your bones store to help your nerves and muscles work properly. minerals
A place where two or more bones meet. joint
Material that fills some of your bones and makes blood cells. marrow
Joint that allows the bones in your hand and wrist to move. gliding joint
Joint that allows you to move your arm in all directions. ball-and-socket joint
Joint that allows you to flex and extend your leg. hinge joint
An injury in which a ligament is stretched too far or torn sprain
Disease that causes bones to become weak and break more easily. osteoporosis
Disease that causes joints to swell or stiffen. arthritis
What does the muscular system allow you to do? move
Where can smooth muscles be found? in the walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract
What type of muscle is only found in the heart? cardiac muscle
What are skeletal muscles attached to to help you move? bones
What is the muscle that bends part of your body called? a flexor muscle
What is the muscle that straightens part of your body called? an extensor
What do people do during resistance exercise? work against weight
What is moderately intense activity that improves endurance called? aerobic exercise
What is a strain? an injury in which a muscle is overstretched or torn
What is tendonitis? when a tendon becomes inflamed
What are small organs in the skin that help regulate body temperature? sweat glands
What is the thicker, underlying layer of skin called? dermis
What substances does skin keep out of your body? foreign particles
What system includes hair, skin, and nails and covers the body? integumentary system
What part of your skin lets you feel things? nerve endings
What is the outermost layer of skin called? epidermis
What is a function of the hair follicle? make hair
How does hair help your body? It protects skin from ultraviolent light
Where does a nail grow? From living cells in the nail root
What may cause acne of the skin? too much oil produced by the skin glands
Created by: masonteach
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