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Travis MA audionyms all terms

cost coaster rib
gram graham cracker record record
acro acrobats extremities
rhexis wrecks break, burst
carcin car sign cereal in a can caancer
Penia pen decrease
gen genisis original production original, production
burso purse sew sac
retr (O) retreat backwards
trip trip rub, friction
strept strap twisted strap twisted
desis thesis binding
mani maniac mad magazine madness
glosso glossy tongue
trophy trophy housing development
supra soup above
ptosis toe sis falling
dyn dinner window pane pain
mast mast breastplate breast
rrhapy raffle suit in sutures sutures
dent dentist teeth
cephal seive fall head
auto auto self
epi e pea upon
hydro water hydrant
arth Art
arthr art joint
hepat he pat liver
nepher nephew kid on the knee kidney
oma oh Ma! two more tumor
enter enter sign intestines
Osis oh sis air conditioner any condition
otomy oh tommy cut into cut into
angi angel blood vessels vessel
aden a den gland
spasm space man involuntary contract involuntary contraction
itis it is i test in flames inflamation
ology hollow cheese study of
algia algea window pane pain
crani crane skull
end "the end" screen with people in it inside, within
hemi hemisphere half
oid void alike like
hyper high purr above more than normal
cyst sister sac containing fluid
chole coal coal pile bile
hypo hippo under
scop scope observe
hyster his stir you stir us uterus
ostomy O stop Tommy Create an opening to run into Football create an opening
para parachute beside, beyond
lysis license loosen, destruction
cervic serve hic neck
chondr cone/door cart of leaves cartilage
cyan sign blue paint blue
hem (at) hem blood
ost ostrich of bones bone
physo cycle mine mine mind
lip lip fat
my my eye muscle
lith lather stone
opthalm up thumb eye
prost proctor and gamble anacins anus
gingiv gingerbread man chewing gum gum
rhin rhinocerros nose
ologist hollow chest specialist
belphar blue fur eye lid
malacia my late show (TV) soft
megal my gal enlarged
derma doormat skin
plast plastic cement repair surgical repair
cerebr zebra brain
path path daisies disease
ectomy exit tommy surgial removal
cardi cards heart
gastr gas truck stomach
lobo low bow see the bow in sections section
emesis Hey Mrs. No vomiting vomiting
contra contractor against the counter against, counter
iasis oasis air conditioners conditioner
trans trains train going through a cross through, across
brady braid braid slow slow
ectasis egged a sis x-pan expansion
cyt sight jail cell cell
odont Oh Don't hit me with that tooth tooth
leuk look magazine in all white white
esthesia has the show sensational sensation
canth can throw angle at the end of the eye
steno stenographer narrow contact narrow, contracted
cheil cow cow lip lip
cele seal her knee hernia
benign Bee 9 melt, knot, can mild, knot, can
seman seaman bird seed seed
celio ceiling dome apple/ dome abdomen
erythro wreath thrown and turns red red
vaso vase vessel
melan melon black melon black
cauda cod liver oil fish tail tail
lingua language many tongues tongue
myring my ring ear/drum eardrum
spondyl spun doll spinal column
Created by: 1993jnsshaffer
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