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NR 304 Final

what causes hypotension? MI shock hemorrhage vasodilation Addison disease
smoking effect on BP narrows arteries & hardens walls. increases BP
acute pain responses guarding grimacing stillness diaphoresis moaning agitation change in vitals restlessness
stage 1 PI nonblanchable redness skin intact
stage 2 PI partial thickness loss blister loss of epidermis or dermis superficial/shallow
stage 3 PI full thickness loss subcutaneous, granulation tissue crater
stage 4 PI exposed muscle, bone, tendon slough/eshcar tunneling
manifestations of hypothyroidism fatigue cold intolerance Non-pitting edema/puffiness coarse hair, eyebrows, skin
manifestations of breast cancer inverted nipple, discharge immovable tumor constantly growing non-tender mass (upper quadrant)
jaundice in light skin pts sclera, hard palate, mucous membranes
jaundice (dark skin) hard n soft palate, palms
pallor (dark skin) ashen gray, yellow brown
cyanosis (light skin) dusky blue , nail beds
cyanosis (dark skin) dark but dull, conjuctiva, oral mucosa, and nail beds
errythema (dark skin) palpate for warmth, purplish tinge
late manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis ulnar deviation/drift
spinal deformities associated with OA kyphosis limited ROM
risks for osteoporosis PMD white women smaller frame lack of physical activity lack of estrogen
what is RA chronic - synovial membranes becomes inflamed autoimmune
manifestations of RA swann neck/boutenierre deformities bilateral joints affected acute flareups
this arthritis has morning stiffness & is relieved by movement RA
what is OA noninflammatory, progressive disease joints begins to break down - bone 2 bone asymmetrical joint involvement
what causes OA wear/tear injury constant weight bearing obesity
is movement a relieving or aggravating factor to OA? Aggravating night pain
deformities with OA heberden and bouchard's nodes
UTI symptoms in older adults
clinical manifestations of urinary retention inability to pass urine, leads to UTI
symptoms of BPH frequency, urgency, hesitancy, straining, weak stream
objective data of BPH symmetric nontender enlargement prostate feels smooth, rubbery or firm
positive romberg sign loss of balance when the eyes are closed
FAST face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty and time to call 911
Glasgow scale 15 normal
a glasow coma scale of a 7 or less indicates: coma
hemorrhagic stroke symptoms severe headache sudden LOC focal seizures nasuea/vomitting
ischemic stroke symptoms unilateral facial droop, weakness, drift difficulty w/ speech sudden dizziness loss of balance cloudy vision
CN II optic - visual fields
CN I olfactory - smell
CN VII (7) symmetry
CN XII (12) hypoglossal light, tight and dynamite
CN XI (11) spinal accessory nerve raise shoulders, turn head against resistance
CN III, IV & VI (3, 4,6) oculomotor trochlear, and abducens PERRLA, cardinal field gaze
CN V (5) trigeminal sensory (cheek test w cotton ball) / motor (palpate masseter clench teeth)
assessments of the Peripheral vascular system cap refill clubbing pulses
alleviating factors of venous insufficiency elevation, lying, walking
mechanisms of venous return contracting skeletal muscles pressure gradient by breathing intraluminal valves ensures 1 way flow
chronic venous symptoms edema varicosities weeping ulcers at ankle
varicose veins manifestations aching heaviness in calf easy fatigaility restless legs burning throbbing/cramping
dilated tortous veins aka ___ varicose veins
DVT manifestations sudden onset of intense, sharp, deep muscle pain
chronic arterial symptoms ABI cool, pale skin diminished pulses pallor on elevation
1+ pitting mild, slight indentation, no swelling
2+ [pitting moderate, indentation subsides rapidly
3+ pitting deep pitting, leg looks swollen, indentation stays a while
4+ pitting very deep pitting, indentation lasts a long time, grossly swollen and distorted
hypoactive bowel sounds decreased motility due to inflammation late bowel obstruction paralytic ileus after abdominal sx
intestinal bowel obstruction manifestations restlessness distended abdomen hyperactive bowel sounds tenderness to palpation hypovolemic shock
s/s of intestinal bowel obstruction vomitting fever absence of stool/gas colicky pain due to dehydration/sepsis
positive murphy sign Inflamed gallbladder. Tenderness. Inspiratory arrest
diagnostic results associated with intestinal/bowel obstruction
Created by: Mariahj25
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