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Hesi A2 Grammar

8 parts of speech Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
Noun person, place, thing, or idea. example: The 'professors" class
Common noun person, place, thing (general not particular) example: nurse, hospital, syringe
Proper noun official name of the person, place, or thing example: Fred, Paris, Washington University Proper nouns are capitalized
Pronoun word that takes place of the noun example: their, them example: 'my' book, 'your' class, 'that' book, 'this' class
Adjective describes the noun example: many, few, silly, fast
Verb word used to describe an action example: the 'worried' student
Adverb words that describe a verb example: the 'very' worried student
Preposition used before a noun or pronoun example: 'to' their car
Conjunction word that joins words, phrases, clauses. example: and, but, if, so example: the nurse asked to work the other shift 'but' her request was denied
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words or phrases example: 'neither' the pharmacist 'nor' her assistant could help
Subordinating conjunctions join two clauses or thoughts example: 'while the nurse was away on vacation' the hospital flooded examples: after, because, since
Interjection word or phrase that expresses emotion example: 'yikes' that test was hard
Clause group of words that has a subject and predicate
Independent clause expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence example: 'the professor distributed the examinations' as soon as the students were seated
Dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction and does not express a complete thought, cannot stand alone. example: 'as soon as the students were seated'
Direct object person or thing directly affected by the action of the verb example: Jimmy fed 'the dog'
Indirect object person or thing indirectly affected by the action of the verb example: you gave 'me' the book 'the book' direct object
Phrase group of two or more words that acts as a single part of speech in a sentence
Predicate tells what the subject does or what is done to the subject
Predicate adjective follows a linking verb and helps explain the subject example: my professors are 'wonderful'
Sentence every sentence has a subject and predicate
Declarative sentence makes a statement example: I went to the store
Interrogative sentence asks a question example: Did you go to the store?
Imperative sentence makes a command or request example: Go to the store.
Exclamatory sentence makes an exclamation example: you went to the store!
Subject word, phrase, or clause that names who or what the sentence is about
Misplaced modifier words or groups of words not located properly in relation to the words they modify example: I fear my teaching assistant may have discarded the test I was grading 'in the trash can'
Cliches expressions or ideas that have lost their originality or impact over time because of excessive use. example: raining cats and dogs, let the cat out of the bag, sick as a dog, under the weather
Euphemism mild, indirect, or vague term that has been substituted for one that is considered harsh, blunt, or offensive example: he died instead say "he has passed away or gone to be with the lord"
Sexist language words that do not satisfactorily reflect the presence of women in our society example: firefighter instead of fireman, policer officer instead of policeman, doctors and their wives should be doctors and their spouses.
Affect to influence or to change example: the chemotherapy affected my daily routine
Effect noun- result or outcome example: the chemotherapy had a strange effect on me verb- to bring about or accomplish example: as a result of chemotherapy I was able to effect a number of changes in my life
Farther measurable distance example: the walk to class is much farther than i expected
Further refers to figurative distance example: I will have to study further to make better grades
Created by: ttisdale13
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