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RUE Week8
Question | Answer |
abscess | a localized accumulation of pus |
agranulocytosis | destruction of granulocyte white blood cells |
allergen | an antigen that evokes a hypersensitivity response |
anaphylaxis | a hypersensitivity reaction involving IgE antibodies, mast cells, and basophils |
autoimmune disease | damage to one’s own organs due to action of the immune system |
bullae | large serum filled vesicles in the skin |
conjugated monoclonal antibody | an immunotherapeutic agent consisting of a poison bound to a monoclonal antibody |
dermis | the inner portion of the skin |
desensitization | the prevention of allergic inflammatory responses |
desensitization | the prevention of allergic inflammatory responses |
direct agglutination test | the use of known antibodies to identify an unknown cell |
direct FA test | a fluorescent |
histamine | a susbstance released by tissues cells that cause vasodilation, capillary permeability, and smooth muscle contraction |
hybridoma | a cell made by fusing an antibody |
immune complex | a circulating antigen |
immunotoxin | an immunotherapeutic agent consisting of a cell poison bound to a monoclonal antibody |
keratin | a protein found in epidermis, hair, and nails |
macule | a flat, redden skin lesion |
mucous membranes | membranes that line body openings, including the intestinal tract, open to the exterior; also called mucosa |
mycosis | a fungal infection |
neutralization | an antigen |
papule | small, solid elevation of the skin |
pustule | a small pus filled elevation of the skin |
radioimmunoassay | an immunosorbent diagnostic test that uses radioactive labeled antibodies attached to polystyrene beads. Also known as the radioimmunosorbent assay (RSA) |
Rh factor | an antigen on red blood cells of rhesus monkeys and most humans; possession makes the cells Rh |
seroconversion | damage to one’s own organs due to action of the immune system |
titer | an estimate of the amount of antibodies or viruses in a solution; determined by serial dilution and expressed as the reciprocal of the dilution |
vesicle | 1. A small serum filled elevation of the skin, and 2. Smooth oval bodies forned in plant roots by mycorrhizae |
Western blotting | a technique that uses antibodies to detect the presence of specific proteins separated by electrophoresis |