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33 — Mod. 6


During which sleep cycle do vital signs elevate? REM sleep
What is a good drink to increase sleep quality? milk
What 6 drugs are appropriate for the patient having difficulty sleeping? Ambien, Ativan, Dalman, Klonopin, Restoril, Sonata
Which of the following sleep disorders is characterized by violent and repetitive grinding of the teeth? Bruxism
What are the 3 characteristics of NREM sleep? slow eye movement, decreased HR & body temp, deep-slow wave sleep & delta waves
How often does REM sleep occur each night? 3-4 times
What is the rough order of the sleep stages? wakefulness > NREM I > NREM II > NREM II > NREM III > NREM IV > NREM III > NREM II > REM > NREM II > NREM III > etc.
What are dyssomnias characterized by? insomnia/excessive sleepiness
What are parasomnias characterized by? waking during sleep
What causes narcolepsy? destruction of orexin-producing neurons
What is enuresis? nighttime bed-wetting
What causes sleepwalking? lack of sleep, emotional problems, stress fever
During what sleep stage do night terrors occur? NREM sleep
What are five sleep patterns of aging adults? shorter total time, decreased efficiency, increased awakenings and fall risk, insomnia
What drug family should be avoided in order to improve the sleep patterns of aging adults? benzodiazepines
What is a polysomnography? A diagnostic test involving electrodes recording physiologic sleep symptoms as well as recordings by cameras and microphones.
What brain waves are present during alertness? beta waves
What brain waves are present during daydreaming/light meditation? alpha waves
What brain waves are present during drowsiness/deep meditation? theta waves
What brain waves are present during NREM I? theta waves
What brain waves are present during NREM II? theta waves
What brain waves are present during NREM III? delta waves
What sleep stage is bypassed in sleep apnea? NREM III
Created by: arbaskett
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