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33 — Mod. 8

Upper Respiratory Infections

What is hypoxemia? deficient oxygenation of blood
What is hypercapnia? high carbon dioxide retention in blood
What is hypoxia? inadequate oxygenation in body tissues
What are 3 complications of streptococcal pharyngitis? rheumatic heart disease, glomerulonephritis, peritonsillar abscess
What are 2 contraindications for the flu vaccine? Guillaine-Barre syndrome, egg hypersensitivity
When is the best time to get the flu vaccine? mid-October
What is Tamiflu used for? flu treatment (not prevention)
Acute viral rhinitis is caused by what? the adenovirus
Streptococcal pharyngitis is caused by what? Group B-hemolytic streptococcus
A respiratory tract infection is caused by what? Moraxella catarrhalis
Streptococcal pneumonia is caused by what? Streptococcus pneumonia
What is a contradiction of pseudoephedrine? hypertension
What is important patient teaching for Phenylephrine nasal spray? using the drug longer than 3 days can cause rebound vasodilation & worsen congestion
What are 4 symptoms of impaired gas exchange (hypoxia)? increased lethargy, change in mental status, restlessness, confusion
What is the first intervention for a patient with an increased respiratory rate and congested lung sounds? raise the head of the bed
What is the second intervention for a patient with an increased respiratory rate and congested lung sounds? administer oxygen per nasal cannula
What is the third intervention for a patient with an increased respiratory rate and congested lung sounds? help them deep breathe and cough
What is the final intervention for a patient with an increased respiratory rate and congested lung sounds? call the doctor for further instruction
What is the result of hypoventilation? decreased oxygen, increased carbon dioxide
What is hemoptysis? coughing up blood/blood-stained sputum
What are OTC treatments for viral rhinitis? vitamin C, echinacea, zinc
Diagnostics tests for streptococcal pharyngitis? rapid antigen test, throat culture
Diagnostic tests for influenza? viral cultures, rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs)
Diagnostic tests for viral rhinitis? percutaneous skin test, IgE antibody test
Components of the URT? nose, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, trachea
Components of the LRT? bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
Function of the URT? warm, filter, humidify inspired air
Function of the LRT? conduction of air, mucociliary clearance, production of pulmonary surfactants
What is pulse oximetry? Non-invasive manner of measuring the oxygen saturation of blood.
What is the ABC of respiratory distress assessment? Airway, Breathing, Circulation
How do you assess the ABCs of respiratory distress? A > Is the airway patent? B > Assess breathing work? C > Check BP & peripheral pulses.
What 3 populations are at risk for URIs? crowds, pollution, highly-populated areas
4 tx for a URI? Tylenol, rest, water, cough suppressant
Created by: arbaskett
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