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Add, vio, PSY
Test 3
Definition | Term |
The alcoholic strives to abstain from drinking one day at a time | Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) |
Used to assess a patient’s potential problem with alcoholism | CAGE screening tool |
Patient tells the nurse that she has a drink every morning to stop her tremors | Physiological dependence |
Central nervous system depressants overdose priority | Respiratory function |
Pupillary constriction | Opiate abuse |
This term best describes the need for increased amounts of a drug to produce the desired effect | Tolerance |
Body aches, sweating and vomiting | Heroin withdraw |
Severe depression | Amphetamines or cocaine withdraw |
Treatment option for opioids | Methadone |
Tool used to monitor the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal | CIWA-AR |
Patient will not sit or quit talking for a long period. VS are taken and she is tachycardic | Amphetamine abuse |
A bipolar patient who also takes her friend’s Adderall to help her focus when at work | Dual diagnosis |
Medication taken dail by dry alcoholics to reduce their desire for alcohol | Antabuse |
Used legally for medicinal purposes | Narcotics |
Body system alcohol and narcotics have the greatest influence | Central nervous system (brain) |
Patient agitated and hyperventilating. BP and temp elevated | Stimulants |
May cause sudden death due to cardiac dysthymia or respiratory depression | Inhalants |
Medication given for morphine overdose | Naloxone (Narcan) |
Patient cannot remember what he does while he is drinking | Blackout |
Signs and symptoms include poor impulse control, confidence, rapid speech, and hypertension | Cocaine intoxication |
Defense mechanism used by patients admitted for drug abuse | Denial |
Possible complication when withdrawing from alcohol | Seizures |
A group of spouses and significant others to learn what to expect from their alcoholic partners | Al- Anon |
Signs and symptoms include yawning, irritability, diaphoresis, cramps, and diarrhea | Opioid withdraw |
Unable to obtain substance, client becomes more irritated and uncomfortable with physical complaints | Addiction |
Following sobriety, client falls and begins to engage in abuse of substance again | Relapse |
Muscle rigidity, tremors | Extrapyramidal side effects(EPS) |
Hallucinations, delusions, altered speech and behavior | Positive symptoms |
Flat affect, mutism, anhedonia, lack of motivation, doesn’t care for themselves | Negative symptoms |
Lost of identity, an out of body experience | Depersonalization |
Disorder of schizophrenia and a mood disorder such as depression or bipolar | Schizoaffective |
Disorder affecting how one thinks, behaves, feels, and perceives reality | Schizophrenia |
Characterized by a lack of peculiar motor movements | Catatonic |
Legal term that describes any behavior that presents an immediate danger to another person | Assault |
Ability to directly express one’s feelings or needs without compromising the integrity if self or others | Assertiveness |
Focus is the prevent violence by establishing and maintaining a trusting therapeutic relationship with clear and honest communications | Level 1 interventions |
5th and last stage of assault cycle, involving a period of guilt and attempts to reconcile(make up) with others | Depression stage |
Repeated physical abuse of a person | Battering |
An injury for which a parents does not have an adequate explanation | Signs of physical abuse |
Vigorous shaking of an infant that may lead to whiplash-induced bleeding within the brain | Shaken baby syndrome |
1st stage of assault cycle, when a stress producing event occurs | Triggered stage |
The potential for danger is at its peak during this stage of the assault cycle | Crisis stage |
Focus is to protect the client and other from potential harm | Level 2 intervention |