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Add, vio, PSY

Test 3

Definition Term
The alcoholic strives to abstain from drinking one day at a time Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Used to assess a patient’s potential problem with alcoholism CAGE screening tool
Patient tells the nurse that she has a drink every morning to stop her tremors Physiological dependence
Central nervous system depressants overdose priority Respiratory function
Pupillary constriction Opiate abuse
This term best describes the need for increased amounts of a drug to produce the desired effect Tolerance
Body aches, sweating and vomiting Heroin withdraw
Severe depression Amphetamines or cocaine withdraw
Treatment option for opioids Methadone
Tool used to monitor the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal CIWA-AR
Patient will not sit or quit talking for a long period. VS are taken and she is tachycardic Amphetamine abuse
A bipolar patient who also takes her friend’s Adderall to help her focus when at work Dual diagnosis
Medication taken dail by dry alcoholics to reduce their desire for alcohol Antabuse
Used legally for medicinal purposes Narcotics
Body system alcohol and narcotics have the greatest influence Central nervous system (brain)
Patient agitated and hyperventilating. BP and temp elevated Stimulants
May cause sudden death due to cardiac dysthymia or respiratory depression Inhalants
Medication given for morphine overdose Naloxone (Narcan)
Patient cannot remember what he does while he is drinking Blackout
Signs and symptoms include poor impulse control, confidence, rapid speech, and hypertension Cocaine intoxication
Defense mechanism used by patients admitted for drug abuse Denial
Possible complication when withdrawing from alcohol Seizures
A group of spouses and significant others to learn what to expect from their alcoholic partners Al- Anon
Signs and symptoms include yawning, irritability, diaphoresis, cramps, and diarrhea Opioid withdraw
Unable to obtain substance, client becomes more irritated and uncomfortable with physical complaints Addiction
Following sobriety, client falls and begins to engage in abuse of substance again Relapse
Muscle rigidity, tremors Extrapyramidal side effects(EPS)
Hallucinations, delusions, altered speech and behavior Positive symptoms
Flat affect, mutism, anhedonia, lack of motivation, doesn’t care for themselves Negative symptoms
Lost of identity, an out of body experience Depersonalization
Disorder of schizophrenia and a mood disorder such as depression or bipolar Schizoaffective
Disorder affecting how one thinks, behaves, feels, and perceives reality Schizophrenia
Characterized by a lack of peculiar motor movements Catatonic
Legal term that describes any behavior that presents an immediate danger to another person Assault
Ability to directly express one’s feelings or needs without compromising the integrity if self or others Assertiveness
Focus is the prevent violence by establishing and maintaining a trusting therapeutic relationship with clear and honest communications Level 1 interventions
5th and last stage of assault cycle, involving a period of guilt and attempts to reconcile(make up) with others Depression stage
Repeated physical abuse of a person Battering
An injury for which a parents does not have an adequate explanation Signs of physical abuse
Vigorous shaking of an infant that may lead to whiplash-induced bleeding within the brain Shaken baby syndrome
1st stage of assault cycle, when a stress producing event occurs Triggered stage
The potential for danger is at its peak during this stage of the assault cycle Crisis stage
Focus is to protect the client and other from potential harm Level 2 intervention
Created by: pattymorfin0902
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