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Ethnic Separatism
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Unit 4 Vocab Part 3

4.8, 4.9, 4.10

Devolution The process in which regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government.
Ethnic Separatism People of a particular ethnicity in a multinational state identify more strongly with their ethnic group than as citizens of the state.
Ethnic Cleansing State governments attack an ethnic group in an attempt to try to eliminate them through expulsion, imprisonment, or mass murder.
Terrorism Organized violence aimed at government and civilian targets intended to create fear in order to accomplish political aims.
Irredentism A majority ethnic group wants to claim territory from a neighboring state due to a shared culture with the people residing across the border.
Balkanization (State Fragmentation) Fragmentation or breakup of a region or country into smaller regions or countries.
Subnational Political-Territorial Units A small area such as a city, town, or village that has its own local government.
State Disintegration States that split into two or more new states; states that have failed, such as Sudan, the former Soviet Union.
Democratization The introduction of a democratic system or democratic principles.
Transnational Extending or operating across national boundaries.
Economies of Scale Increased trade and bargaining power in order to make more money for the member nations in a supranational organization.
Supranationalism The state or condition of transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests.
Supranational Organizations An alliance of three or more states that work together in pursuit of common goals.
Failed State A state whose political or economic system has become so weak that the government is no longer in control.
Ethnic Nationalist Movements Movements caused by the presence of ethnonationalism.
Ethnonationalism A form of nationalism wherein the nation and nationality are defined in terms of ethnicity, with emphasis on an ethnocentric approach to various political issues related to national affirmation of a particular ethnic group.
Centripetal and Centrifugal forces at state scale Characteristics that unify a country and provide stability (Centripetal) and characteristics that divide a country and create instability, conflict and violence (centrifugal).
Created by: MelanieLeavitt
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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