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Yoga Exam Sanskrit

Shakti divine feminine energy
Shiva divine masculine energy
Purusha pure unbounded consciousness
Prakriti the prime material energy of which all matter is composed
Avidya ignorance
Nirodha stillness of mind and no longer identifying with thoughts, both the goal and means of reaching goal in yoga
Chitta the mind (conscious, subconscious, unconscious)
Vrtti fleeting thoughts / monkey mind
Samadhi superconscious state, transendence
Ishwara supreme cosmic soul / source / Godd
Ahamkara ego
Buddhi the interchange of purusha (spirit) and prakriti (matter), from buddhi arises ahamkara, gunas, senses & subtle/gross elements
Manas the senses (through which impressions enter),how we experience the world/external objects
Samskaras remnants of past experiences/subconscious impressions, formed when vrttis become subtle
Ananda Joy (state of being without stress/burdens), this state reflects the true self
Klesas 5 causes of suffering: ignorance, egoism, attachment, avoidance, clinging to bodily life
Yamas "restraints," rules of social conduct: ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, aparigraha
Ahimsa non-violence
Satya truthfulness
Asteya non-stealing
Brahmacharya moderation
Aparigraha non-greed
Niyama "observance," rules for personal conduct: saucha, santosha, tapas, svadhyaya, isvara pranidana
Saucha cleanliness, ridding bad habits
Santosha contentment
Tapas Discipline, accepting pain as a teacher
Svadhyaya self-study
Isvara Pranidana surrender to a higher power
Pranayama breath control
Dharana concentration
Dhyana meditation
Pratyahara withdrawal of senses
Pratipaksha Bhavana redirecting negative/disturbing thoughts to positive ones
Mula Bandha Root lock
Jalandhara Bandha throat lock
Uddiyana bandha diaphragm lock
Sattva goodness, calmness, harmonious
Rajas passion, activity, movement
Tamas ignorance, inertia, laziness
Brahman ultimate underlying reality, outside time/space
Atman essence of an individual
Ida nadi - lunar, feminine, yin, meditative channel (parasympathetic)
Pingala nadi - solar, heated, masculine, yang channel (sympathetic)
Ayurveda Science of life
Gunas Qualities which make up everything
Root chakra Muladhara
Sacral chakra Svadhisthana
Solar plexus chakra manipura
Heart chakra anahata
Throat chakra vishuddha
Third eye chakra Ajna
Crown chakra Sahasrara
Created by: eab4h
Popular Sanskrit sets




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