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P.S. Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Physical Science Vocabulary

Unit for resistance ohms
unit for current amps
unit for power watts
What law states that like charges repel and unlike charges attract Law of Charges
What is located in the nucleus of an atom protons and neutrons
What orbits nucleus of an atom electrons
An electron has a ___ charge? negative
A proton has a ___ charge? positive
The outermost electrons are called ___ electrons. valence
Normally objects have an __ number of protons and electrons. equal
Electrons can be removed through ___. friction
If an object ____ electrons it will have a negative charge. gains
If an object ____ electrons it will have a positive charge. loses
Net charge is measured in ___. Coulombs
The charge carried by 6.24 * 10^18 protons or electrons is called a _____. coulomb
Electrical ____ like metals do not easily store charges. conductors
Electrostatic force is a ____ force. field
In diagrams field strength is represented by the ____ between the lines of force. distance
The closer the lines of force in a diagram the ___ the force. stronger
The creation of a charged region on a neutral object when exposed to a nearby electrical charge is called ___. electrical induction
Charges can be detected with an instrument called an ___. electroscope
___ ____ offer little resistance to electron motion. electrical conductors
___ ___ do not allow electrons to move easily. electrical insulators
____ allow limited electron flow or conduct only under certain conditions. semiconductors
_____ help balance out a charge difference when one object transfers electrons to another. discharges
An old device invented to store charges. It has a metal coating on the inside and outside of the jar with glass between it. Leyden Jar
Electrical charges are ___ ____ because an object has only a limited number of excess electrons. short lived
Electricity that involves continuously moving charges is called ___. electrical current
Electrons flow from a point of ___ electrical potential energy in a conductor to a lower potential. higher
Conventional current of positive charges is in the ___ direction from the electron flow. opposite
If electrons are flowing from left to right ____ ____ flows from right to left. conventional current
Electrons flow from the negative end to the __ end. positive
___ current is current that flows in one direction. direct
An ___ ___ is a complete path from a source of electrons through a conductor and back to an electron sink. electric current
An ___ ___ converts electricity to some other form of energy. electrical load
A ___ allows you to open and close the circuit by opening or closing a gap in the current path. switch
Electrons are tiny bits of ___. matter
Electrons can be supplied by a ____ ____. chemical reaction
When the chemical reactions in a battery can no longer occur the battery is ___. dead
Batteries that use solid or paste-like chemicals are called ____ ___. dry cells
Batteries that use metals and acidic liquid solutions are called ___ ___. wet cells
Wet cells can be _____. recharged
Recharging wet cells requires ____ the reactions in the cells. reversing
____ are machines that use energy to move electrons through conductors. generators
Generators are basically coils of wire rotated in a magnetic field by some form of ___ ____. prime mover
An example of a prime mover is a turbine powered by steam
The advantage of a generator is that the charges can be used ____. again
A ____ ___ uses light to give enough energy to an electron to allow it to jump from its atom to do work. photovoltaic cell
The measure of potential difference is called voltage
1 ____ = 1 joule/ 1 coulomb volt
Batteries are rated by the __ __ between their positive and negative connections or poles. potential differences
The voltage determines the ____ the battery supplies. energy
1C/1s 1A
A ____ can change the voltage within portions of a circuit. resistor
Because all electrical devices have some resistance, charges always __ __ as they pass through a circuit. lose energy
Direct current is ___ proportional to voltage. directly
Direct current is ___ proportional to resistance. inversely
Power measures how ___ work is done. fast
Created by: kdcribb
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