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Med Term Ch 5

Choroid pigmented vascular layer between sclera and retina
Conjunctiva mucous membrane lining the eyelids and outer eye surface
Rods and cones visual receptors (neurons) in retina that respond to the light waves
blephar/o - eyelid
cycl/o circle, ciliary body
dacry/o tear
ocul/o, opt/o, ophthalm/o eye
kerat/o cornea
aphakia absence of the lens, usually after cataract extraction
presby/o old age
mydriatic agent that causes dilation of the pupil; used for certain eye examinations
phot/o light
phac/o, phak/o lens (lentil)
lacrim/o tear
cryoretinopexy use of intense cold to seal a hole or tear in the retina; used to treat retinal detachment
vitre/o glassy
opia (suffix) condition of vision
IOL intraocular lens
LASIK laser assisted in situ keratomileusis
anterior chamber fluid-filled space between the cornea and iris
scleral venous sinus duct in the anterior chamber that carrier filtered aqueous humor to veins and bloodstream; also called canal of Schlemm
choroid vascular layer beneath the sclera that provides nourishment to the outer portion of the retina
fovea centralis pinpoint depression in the center of the macula lutea that is the site of sharpest vision
Zeis glands oil glands opening into the follicles of the eyelashes
tarsal glands oil glands located along the rim of the eyelids; also called meibomian glands
meibomian glands oil glands located along the rim of the eyelids
macula lutea central region of the retina; responsible for central vision; yellow pigment provides its color
trabecular meshwork mesh-like structure in the anterior chamber that filters the aqueous humor as it flows into the canal of Schlemm
nystagmus involuntary, rapid, oscillating movement of the eyeball
cycloplegic agent that paralyzes the ciliary muscle and the powers of accommodation; commonly used in pediatric eye examination
Created by: 2068128180012120
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