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Med Term Ch 6
Term | Definition |
cerumen | a waxy substance secreted by glands located throughout the external canal |
tympanum | drum-like structure that receives sound collected in the external acoustic meatus and amplifies it through the middle ear |
-acusis | hearing condition |
labyrinth | intricate, fluid-filled, intercommunicating bony and membranous passages that function in hearing |
perilymph | fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the internal ear |
organ of Corti | structure located in the cochlea; contains receptors (hair cells) that receive vibrations and generate nerve impulses for hearing |
endolymph | fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear |
otalgia, otodynia | earache |
myringitis | inflammation of the eardrum |
tympanitis | inflammation of the eardrum |
Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma) | a benign but life-threatening tumor of the vestibular division of the vestibulocochlear nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII); causes vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss |
sensorineaural hearing loss | hearing impairment caused by lesions of dysfunction of the cochlea or cochlear (auditory) nerve |
BAER | brainstem auditory evoked response |
brainstem auditory evoked response | electrodiagnostic testing that uses computerized equipment to measure involuntary responses to sound within the auditory nervous system; commonly used to assess hearing in newborns |
ear lavage | irrigation of the external ear canal, often to remove excessive buildup of cerumen |
PE | polyethylene |
BAEP | brainstem auditory evoked potential |
myringotomy | incision into the eardrum, most often for the insertion of a small polyethylene (PE) tube to keep the canal open and prevent fluid buildup |
tympanometry | measurement of the compliance and mobility (conductibility) of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear by monitoring the response to external airflow pressures |
brainstem auditory evoked potential | electrodiagnostic testing that uses computerized equipment to measure involuntary responses to sound within the auditory nervous system; commonly used to assess hearing in newborns |
tuning fork | a two-pronged, fork-like instrument that vibrates when struck; used to test hearing, especially bone conduction; (e.g., Webber test & Rinne test) |
auditory acuity testing | physical assessment of hearing; useful in differentiating between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss |
presbyacusis, presbycusis | hearing impairment in old age |
mixed hearing loss | combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss |
Meniere's disease | disorder of the internal ear resulting from excessive buildup of endolymph, causing episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, and hearing loss; one or both ears can be affected. |
otorrhea | purulent drainage from the ear |
utricle | the larger of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear |
saccule | the smaller of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear |
malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup) | the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear |
pinna | projected part of the external ear |