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Pediatrics Ch22


Medication administration is primarily the responsibility of _____ The nurse
The responses of ___ differ from the responses of ___ and the responses of ___ and ___ differ from ____ Infants – Children – Infants and children – Adults
What is the most common OTC administered by parents Acetaminophen/Tylenol
What can prevent OTC medication related accidents at home Parent education
What is essential to providing safe pediatric medication administration Understanding differences in Absorption, Distribution, Excretion, and Metabolism of drugs between children and adults
What is the most important variable in predicting response to any drug therapy Age
What is absent from the stomach of the neonate Hydrochloric acid
When does the acid content of the stomach reach adult levels Age 2
Medications that require an ___ ___ in the stomach for absorption may not be completely ____ if the child is under ___ Acid medium – Absorbed – 2
How will a medication requiring an acid medium for absorption administered near the time of feeding be affected Further decrease of the acid content in the stomach with further impair absorption
Ingestion of ____ increases gastric acidity Orange juice after age 2
Children under ___ have a ____ intestinal transit time than adults 5 – Faster
How does a child’s intestinal transit time affect medication It may move out of the small intestines before being completely absorbed
There may be a low amount of pancreatic enzymes under the age of ___ 1
What increases the amount of absorption of topical medications Thin stratum corneum, Larger skin surface area, Plastic diapers
What can produce adverse reactions when applied to the buttocks and covered by a plastic diaper Hydrocortisone and Hexacholorphene
What slows IM drug absorption Poor peripheral perfusion in a young infant
What kinds of IM drugs can be administered to children under 4, and why Water soluble to prevent precipitation
How may a neonate’s body respond to parenteral medications Pass through the blood brain barrier more easily
What drugs may have a more powerful effect on neonates than adults Those that depress respiration
Where are most medications metabolized Liver
When does the liver and enzymes function at a mature level 2 – 4 years
Due to an immature liver, medications metabolize ____ in infants and children than in adults
What can medications given to children and infants at frequent intervals cause Toxic levels and responses
What can cause toxic levels of and responses to medications Frequent intervals
Where are penicillin and digoxin excreted Kidneys
What drugs are excreted in the kidneys Penicillin and digoxin
At what age are the kidneys able to effectively excrete medications 1 year
What effect does slow stomach emptying have on medication Delays absorption
What effect does rapid intestinal transit have on medication Prevents the full amount from being absorbed
What effect does unpredictable liver function have on medications Impairs metabolism
What effect does the kidney have on medication given to infants and children Ineffective excretion
What can delay absorption of medications in infants and children Slow stomach emptying
What can prevent the full amount of medication from being absorbed in infants and children Rapid intestinal transit
What can impair the metabolism of medications in infants and children Unpredictable liver function
What can cause ineffective excretion of medications in infants and children Immature kidneys
What can cause an altered response and high risk for toxicity of medications in infants and children Slow stomach emptying, Rapid intestinal transit, Immature liver metabolism, Ineffective kidney excretion
Created by: futurenurse
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