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Quiz 3

Chapters 8 and 11

Aside from patient information, what is a phlebotomist required to put on the label after specimen collection. Phlebotomist's initials and time of collection.
Which of the following tests is the highest priority? Asap CBC, STAT comprehensive metabolic panel in ICU, STAT CBC in the ER, timed blood cultures. STAT CBC in the ER.
If you were drawing blood on an inpatient, where would you look for signs concerning information that may be pertinent to the blood draw. On the patient's door or above the head of the patient's bed.
Do you have to inform the patient that you are a student or trainee? Yes, you have to obtain informed consent. The patient has the right to refuse to have blood drawn by a student or anyone else.
Which tube has to be filled to a specific line for acceptance into the lab? Light blue top
Which test are collected in light blue top? PT/PTT
What is the most crucial step in specimen collection? Patient Identification
Can you draw an inpatient if the armband is not attached to the patient. No
Should you collect blood from a sleeping patient? No
What are you required to ask an outpatient before drawing their blood? Ask them to state their name and DOB.
If a patient is required to fast for a blood test, what does that mean? Nothing to eat or drink except water for 8-12 hours before testing.
What can happen if you pull the plunger of a syringe too quickly with excessive pulling pressure? You can hemolyze the sample.
Can you combine two partial additive tubes to make a full tube if they are the same type tube? No, this alters the blood to additive ratio.
What can happen if the patient folds the arm at the elbow to apply pressure? It increases the chance of bruising by keeping the wound open or disrupting the platelet plug when the arm is lowered.
Is it ok to re-cap a needle after use? No
What is the preferred method of obtaining venipuncture specimens? ETS (Evacuated tube system)
If you are drawing blood from a patient and you do not immediately get blood return after the needle is inserted, what should you do first before discontinuing the draw? Try a new tube first
A patient that is taking coumadin (blood thinner) may have issues with what? Excessive bleeding
How far above the venipuncture site should you apply the tourniquet? 3-4 inches
What is the appropriate angle of needle insertion for routine venipuncture? 30 degrees or less
What does NPO mean? Nothing by mouth
Which of the following is required requisition information? Ordering physician's name, Patient's first and last name, DOB, Type of tests to be performed. All are required
What should you do if you are asked to draw blood from a patient but the patient is not wearing an armband? Ask the nurse to attach a band before you draw the patiet.
What is the recommended angle for needle insertion on a hand vein? 10 degrees or less
What type of patient is likely to have an arteriovenous fistula or graft? Dialysis patient
What is the minimum number of patient identifiers needed to collect a blood sample or administering medication or blood products? At least 2
How long must a blood bank ID (BBID) band stay on a patient? For as long as it is valid (Usually 3 days).
Is it acceptable to use isopropyl alcohol to draw a blood alcohol specimen? No
What is an acceptible way to clean site for a blood alcohol specimen? Benzalkonium chloride
What is the most critical part of blood culture collection? Antisepsis of the collection site
Removing a unit of blood from a patient and not replacing it is a treatment for which condition? Polycythemia
What is polycythemia? Disease in which the body overproduces red blood cells.
Which test may require a chain of custody? Drug screen
Which test must have a 9:1 ratio of blood to anticoagulant in the collection tube? Protime (PT)
List examples of tests that require collection in a trace element free tube? Aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, iron, lead, mercury, selenium, zinc.
What is septicemia? The presence of microbes in the blood.
If a patient is taking this medicine, excessive bleeding may occur. Coumadin
You approach a patient and ask permission to draw their blood, the patient extends his arm. What kind of consent is this? Implied
What can happen to the blood specimen if the patient pumps the fist? Can change blood components
Is it advised to have the patient pump their fist for a blood draw? No, changes blood components
Is it advised to have the patient clench their fist for a blood draw? Yes, causes veins to become more prominent.
When palpating for a vein, how can you tell an artery from a vein? Arteries have a pulse
Created by: janeen73
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