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Cleft Palate Exam 1

Embryo First stage of development (fertilization to 8 wks)
Fetus 8 wks to brith, organs start to function and genitalia visible on ultrasound
When does neural tube develop? 18 to 20 days
What does the neural tube become? Brain and spinal cord
What is the earliest developing embryonic structure? Spinal cord
What should mothers do at 8 weeks? Stop retinol, and start taking folic acid and prenatal
What is on the side of the neural tube? Buds
What do buds become? Organs
When do the buds form? 4 weeks
4-5 weeks Embryo goes from extended to flexion stage, more buds form
Buds that form at 4-5 weeks are representative of the ________ Forebrain
32 days Buds on either side come together
6 weeks fetus is _______ 8 mm
What happens at around 8 weeks? Ears develop
Where do ears develop? Lower than they are at brith
What are low ears a sign of at or after birth? Many developmental/genetic syndromes
Growth directions of face Anteriorly, medially, inferiorly
Premodia Early, primitive structure
Frontal Prominence turns into Foreheard
Nasal Palacode and nasal pit become Nostril
Nasolateral process becomes alar rim
Maxillary process Maxilla
Mandibular arch Mandible
Hyoid arch Hyoid bone
Structures formed from frontal process Nasal pits, upper lip
When nasal pits fusion in median and lateral regions of frontal process it becomes nostrils
Upper lip is formed from fusion of maxillary and median frontal processes and merging of median nasal
What happens to maxillary process in 7th week? Mouth opening is smaller and checks are rounded bulges
What happens on mandibular process in 7th week? Ear appear lateral and posteriorly as low sets
What happens on hyoid arch in 7th week? Almost complete ring of tissue around EAM
Fusion 2 processes uniting, 2 structures into 1
Merging Laters below push up epithelium and fill in gaps (not 2 structures coming together)
Which is more susceptible to breaking apart? (merging or fusion) Fusion
What happens to hard palate in 7th week? Premaxillae from and palatine processes are in a vertical orientation
What happens to oral and nasal cavities in 7th week? They are not separated and tongue is in both
What makes up hard palate? Premaxillae and 2 palatine processes
What happens in the 9th week? Palate growth spurt
What does oral cavity do during palate growth spurt? Enlarges
Tongue in 9th week Drops down
Hard palate in 9th week Palatine processes can go horizontally now and head towards midline
What fuses in 9th week? Palatine provess, starts anteriorly to posteriorly,
What is the last thing to fuse on midline suture hard palate? Uvula
What happens if uvula doesn't completely fuse? Bifid palate
Being to detect cleft lip at 13 weeks
What can't be diagnosed on ultrasound? Cleft palate, you have to be able to look inside oral cavity
Why could someone have a normal palate but bifid uvula? It is the last structure to fuse
Created by: morganmc3
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