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Mod F week three

Reproductive System

Amni/O Amnion, Fetal membrane
Ante- Before
-Cele hernia
-Centesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid
Colp/O Vagina
Crypt/O Hidden
Culd/O Blind, pouch
Didym/O Testes, twins, double
Dys- Painful, bad, difficult
-Ectomy Surgical removal
Endo- In, within, inside
Epi- Above, upon, on
Embry/O Fertilized, ovum, embryo
Episi/O Vulva
Fet/O Fetus, unborn child
-Gravida Pregnant women
Hyster/O Uterus
-Ism Condition, state of
-Itis Inflammation
Ieuk/O White
Mamm/O Breast
Mast/O Breast
Metri/O Uterus
Multi- Many, much
Nat/I Birth
Neo- New
Nulli- None
Olig/O Scanty, few
Orchid/O Testicle, testis, testes
-Osis Abnormal condition
-Otomy Surgical incision
Par/O To bear, bring forth, labor
-Para To bear, bring fourth
Part/O To bring fourth
Paus/O Stopping
-Plasia Development, formation, growth
Post- After behind
Primi- First
Pareuni/O Sexual intercourse
-Pexy Surgical fixation
-Plasty Surgical repair
Rect/O Rectum, straight
Retro- Behind, backward, back of
-Rrhagia Abnormal or excessive discharge
-Rrhea Abnormal flow, discharge
Sperm/O Sperm, seed
-Version To turn
-Us Thing, pertaining to
Amniocentesis Surgical puncture to remove amniotic fluid
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation
Leukorrhea Profuse white mucous discharge from the vagina
Mammoplasty Surgical repair or restructuring of the breast
Oligospermia Abnormally low sperm count
Orchiopexy Fixation in the scrotum of undescened testes
Rectocele When part of the rectum herniates into the vagina
Retroversion Abnormal backward tipping of the uterus
BPH Benign Prostaic Hypertrophy. Abnormal enlargement of prostate
Circumcision Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis
D&C Dilation and Curettage; Dilation of the cervix and scraping to the uterus
Epididymitis Inflammation of the epididymis in testes
Episiotomy Surgical incision of the perineum and vagina for childbirth
Menometrorrhagia Excessive bleeding during menses and or between menses
Multiparous Woman who has given birth 2 or more times
Neonate Infant during the first 4 weeks after birth
Nulligravida Woman who has never been pregnant
Oligomenorrhea Markedly reduced menstrual flow or abnormally infrequent menstruation
Postpartum Time after a women has delivered a baby
Primigravida Woman during her first pregnancy
Cryptorchidism Undescended testes
Endometriosis Condition where the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus
Fimbriae Finger-like projections that move the ova into the fallopian tubes
Hypospadias Males: urethral opening is on the underside of the penis; Female: urethral opening is in the vagina
Impotence Inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse
Perineum The area between the opening of the vagina and the anus in a woman, or the area between the scrotum and the anus in a man
PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
Amnion Innermost membrane that surrounds the embryo
Contraception Prevention of pregnancy
Fertilization The act of the sperm and ova becoming one
Lactation Process of forming and secreting milk from the breast
Menarche Very first menstrual flow
Parturition Act of giving birth, labor, childbirth
Gynecologist Physician who specializes in the female reproductive system
Zygote Diploid cell resulting from union of egg (ova) and sperm
Corpus Luteum Glandular mass formed in the ovary after ovulation
Priapism A condition that causes a persistent, and often painful penile erection
Men/O Menses, menstruation
Metr/O Uterus
Created by: lisa5879
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