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Pg 14-27 - FI

Prefix/SufficMeaningExampleMed Term Meaning
-cyte cell leukocyte cells, white blood
-ectomy cutting out, removal, excision gastrectomy removal of stomach
-emia blood condition leukemia blood condition of the white blood cells
-globin protein hemoglobin protein in blood
-gram record arthrogram x-ray of joint
-ia condition cephalgia condition of the head
-ic pertaining to gastric pertaining to the stomach
-ism condition, process hyperthyroidism condition excessive throid gland
-itis inflammation gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestines
-logist specialist in the study of neurologist specialist in the study of nerves, brain, and spinal cord
-logy study of nephrology study of the kidneys
-oma tumor, mass hepatoma tumor in the liver
-opsy to view biopsy process of viewing living tissue under microscope
-osis abnormal condition nephrosis abnormal condition of the kidney
-scope instrument to visually examine gastroscope instrument to visually examine stomach
-scopy process of visual examiniation laparoscopy process of visual examiniation of the abdomen
-sis state of prognosis state of before knowledge
-tomy process of cutting into, incision neurotomy incision of the nerves, brain &/or spinal cord
a- no anemia conditon of no blood (descrease in the # of RBC or descrease in ability to carry O2 bc of less hemoglobin
an- not anemia conditon of no blood (descrease in the # of RBC or descrease in ability to carry O2 bc of less hemoglobin
aut- self autopsy (aut/opsy) to view dead body c one's own (self) eyes
dia- complete, through diagnosis (dia/gno/sis) state of complete knowledge of pt's condition
dys- bad, painful, difficult, abnormal dysentery condition of painful intestines
endo- within endocrine glands to secrete within (ex. thyroid gland, pituitary, adrenal, ovaries, and testes)
exo- outside exocrine glands to secrete outside (ex.sweat, tear, mammary glands)
hyper- excessive, more than normal, too much hyperglycemia too much sugar
hypo- below, less than normal, under hypoglycemia below normal sugar
pro- before, forward prostate gland stands before (in front of) urinary bladder
re- back resection removing some or all of an organ in the sense of cutting back or away
retro- behind retrogastric pertaining to behind the stomach
sub- below, under subhepatic pertaining to under the liver
trans- across, through transdermal pertaining to through the skin
-meter measurement diameter measurement through
-y condition or process dysentery condition of painful intestines
-crine to secrete endocrine gland to secrete within
glyc/o sugar hypoglycemia low sugar
-section cutting into an organ resection removing some or all of an organ in sense of cutting back or away
-state stands prostate gland stands in front of urinary bladder
-al pertaining to neural pertaining to nerves
-algia pain arthralgia pain related to joints
Created by: mcwilliams05
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