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Ch 4

Med Term 4

Abdomin Abdomen
An Anus
Bi Life
Cardi Heart
Carp Carpals (wrist bones)
Cis To cut
Cost Ribs
Crani Skull
Cutane Skin
Dur Dura mater (outermost meningeal membrane surrounding brain spinal cord)
Gen To produce, begin
Glyc Surgar
Hemat Blood
Later Side
Men Menses
Nat Birth
Neur Nerve
Norm Rule, order
Oste Bone
Peritone Peritoneum (membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen)
Plas Formation, growth, development
Ren Kidney
Scapul Scapula (shoulder blade)
Son Sound
Thyroid Thyroid gland
Top To put, place, position
Troph Development, nourishment
Urethr Urethra (tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body)
Ven Vein
Vertebr Vertebra (backbone)
Al Pertaining to
Ation Process, condition
Cision Process of cutting
Crine Secretion
Dipsia Thrist
Emia Blood condition
Gen To produce
Graphy Process of recording
Ia Condition
Ine Pertaining to
Ism Condition, process
Lapse To fall, slide
Lysis Loosening, breakdown, separation, destruction
Meter Measure
Mission To send
Mortem Death
Oma Tumor, mass
Ous Pertaining to
Partum Birth
Pathy Disease condition
Phagia Eating
Phasia Speech
Plasia Formation (condition)
Plasm Formation (tissue)
Plegia Paralysis
Pnea Breathing
Rrhea Flow, discharge
Scopy Visual exam
Section To cut
Stasis Stand, place, stop, control
Tension Pressure
Thesis To put, place
Tic Pertaining to
Trophy Nourishment, development
Um Urine condition
Y Process, condition
Bi Two, both
Brady Slow
Con With, together
Dia Complete, through
Dys Painful, abnormal
Ec Out, outside
Endo Within, in, inner
Epi Above, upon
Ex Out
Extra Outside of
Hemi Half
Hyper Excessive
Hypo Deficient
In In, into
Inter Between
Intra Within
Mal Bad
Meta Change, beyond
Neo New
Micu Medical Intensive Care
Msicu Medical surgical intensive care
Pacu Post anesthesia care unit
Picu Pediatric or psychiatric intensive care unit
Sicu Surgical intensive care unit
Para Beside, near, along the side of
Peri Surrounding
Poly Many
Post After
Pre Before
Pro/Pros Before, forward
Quadri Four
Re Back, behind
Retro Back, behind
Sub Under, less than
Syn With, together
Tachy Fast
Trans Across, through
Tri Three
Ultra Beyond
Uni One
Created by: Frazierlindy
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