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American History

American History Chapter 19 vocab

Nat Love African American cow hand that later becomes a rodeo star
Frontier unsettled or sparsely settled area of a country
Dodge City Lawless city mostly populated by cowboys
Lode A long string of metal in the earth
Great Plans area from the missouri river to the rocky mountians
Transcontinetal Railroad railroad crossing the contient
Standrad Time this is what time is called in one region
Boomtown "A town that has a sudden burst of economic or population growth"
Long Drive cowboys drive cows on a long drive
vaqueo cattlehands
Vilgiante "people who took the law into their own hands"
Reservation land that was set aside for the Native Americans
Sand Creek Massacre Coloeado Milta opens fire on village killing more than 150 poeple.
Sitting Bull One of the two Sioux Chiefs
George A. Custer was a Civil War hero. he and some 211 people came into contact with some Native Americans and after only 2 hours of fighting were wiped out.
Battle of Little Big Horn This was the battle that George A. Custer fought in
Wounded Knee Massacre This was a massacre of miss understanding. The amemrican government thought that the Native Americans were going to try to go to war so they sent troops in. A gun shot was set off by accident and the Americand then killed over 300 hundred people.
Dawes Act This act was trying to make Native Americans drop their traditional ways and become farmers
Homestead An area of land with a house on it
Mexicano Spanish speaking Southwesterners
Buffalo Soldiers troops of African American soldiers (nicknamed by the Native Americans)
William "Buffalo Bill" Cody Buffalo huntmans turned showman
Homestead Act act the promised free 160 acres to anyone that wanted it in the west
Exoduster fomer slaves that were moving to kansas because of disceimaination
Sod Buster people that worked on the priare to make it more livable
Grange A group of angry farmers
Cooperative groups or organisation
Populist Party this party wanted "the government to adopt a free silver policy"
Gold Standard the government decided how much a dollor is worth with gold
William Jennings Bryan was backed by the poulists party when they joined the Democrats
Supply the amount of thing that you have
Demand the amount of want for the thing/item that you have
Created by: schoolstudent3
Popular U.S. History sets




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