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3209 quiz reviews

exam 1

Comtemporary nursing practice is based on knowledge generated through nursing theories. Florence Nightingale's theory introduced the concept that nursing care focuses on: Health maintenance and restoration
Nursing education programs in the US may seek voluntary accreditation by the appropriate accrediting commission council of the: National League for Nursing
The minimum educational requirements for a nurse practitioner is: Master's in nursing
Nurses have the opportunity to work in a wide variety of health care agencies around the world. The practice setting where the majority of nurses continue to work is: Acute Care
In 1893 Lillian Ward and Mary Brewster made significant contributions to the nursing professino thru their work involving the: Henry Street Settlement in New York
The obtain a certification in a speciality area, the nurse will have to complete: An examination and the minimum practice requirements
Nurses need to be aware of the current trends in the health care delivery system in order to respond in educational preparation and practice. A major trend that is influencing nursing practice today is: increased incidence of chronic disease processes
The 20th century is recongized for which of the following nursing concepts? formalized university-based nursing education
The human rights movement most directly impacts nursing practice because nurses act as advocates for all clients
Nurses are caring for clients from a variety of cultures primarily as a result of: increased ease of travel and mobility
a disabled client requiring restorative care should be referred to a(n): home health care agency
Discharge planning for clients begin: upon admission to a health care facility
There are many types of health care delivery agencies. An example of a secondary level care agency is a: state-owned psychiatric hospital
Holistic health care is an approach to providing care which: focuses on promoting optimal health
The best example of a nursing action that demonstrates primary preventive care is: give accident prevention lectures at high schools
A nurse using a holistic approach with a patient makes which of the following statements "Do you think you would be able to adapt your diet and activity to lower your blood glucose levels?"
Activities undertaken to maintain or enhance well-being as a protection against illness are related to Health promotion
Screenings for colon and breast cancer are examples of: secondary prevention
When formulating a definition for "health" the nurse should consider that health, within its current definition; is: A state of well-being involving the whole person
When assessing the external variables that influence a client's health beliefs and practices, the nurse must consider his or her Income status
The nurse should realize that the most important aspect of knowing the patient involves: establishing a relationship
The best way for a new graduate to demonstrate caring behavior towards the patient is by: seeking assistance before attempting a new procedure
Which of the following statements best exemplifies cultural caring provided by professional nurses? "I care for my patients in ways that respect their culture and beliefs."
While going through the process of acculturation an individual will be adapting to and adopting a new culture
The nurse who is attempting to practice in a culturally sensitive manner must first realize that recognition of the visible signs of an individual's culture does not ensure understanding of the underlying cultural beliefs
The nurse realizes that the primary goal of a cultural assessment is to provide care that is in concert with the patient's cultural expectations
The assumption that a person manifests all characteristics of his ethnic group is stereotyping
The nurse caring for members of the Hispanic ocmmunity recongizes which of the following situations as the best reflection of the culture's view of family caring? Family members taking turns staying with the patient at night
The share identity that a group has collectively based on the group's social and cultural heritage is defined as ethnicity
The idea that one's own beliefs, ideas, and practices are the best, are superior, or are the most preferred to those of others is ethnocentrism
Created by: epedroza
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