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Nursing terms

dysmetria inability to direct or limit movement
paresthesia numbness,burning, or tingling sensations
hypalgesia decreased sensitivity to pain
ataxia decreased motor coordination
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
diplopia double vision
nystagmus involuntary eye movements
scotomas changes in peripheral vision
fasciculations twitching of the face
Broca's area "speech area" of the cerebrum
Werniche's area "Language area" of the cerebrum
diencephalon includes: thalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus
Meninges -form the protective covering of brain and spinal cord. Layers are: "PAD" From inside to outside: Pia mater (most inner layer, arachnoid (Middle layer), duramater (outside layer)
Central nervous system (CNS) Brain and Spinal Cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves and the autonomic nervous system
aphasia expressive-difficulty expressing thought and receiving and interpreting message
dysarthria can't form the word-slurred speech; tongue/palate problem
Romberg (neurological assessment) Standing, feet together, with eyes closed and then with eyes open; If patient sways when eyes are closed but not when open, it is prioceptive (positive) If pt sways with open AND closed eyes, probably cerebellum in orgin.
Cremasteric reflex Stroke down on man's inner thigh and his testes shrink up
Babinskis (positive in Adult) stroke bottom of foot from heel to toes; toes will fan out (this is normal in child under 2)
Kerning's sign (in meningitis) (remember K for knee)patient supine; bring leg up and push knee towards chest; this will cause extreme pain (due to increased pressure on spinal fluid-in meningitis)
Brudzinki's sign (in meningitis) supine position, hands behind neck; lift up head and will cause pain.
Echolalia automatic repetition of what another person says (seen in parkinson's disease)
hypophonia (soft voice) change in voice volume or articulation (seen in Parkinson's disease)
hypalgesia decreased pain
Plasmapheresis Drug therapy for GBS patients;cleanses the blood by removing circulating antibodies
agnosia general term for a loss of sensory comprehension; inability to write, comprehend reading material, or use an object correctly.
apraxia the loss of the ability to carry out a purposeful motor activity
Created by: dpmkdpmk
Popular Nursing sets




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