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Mental Heatth Conditon

Anxiety a subjective, individualized experience in response to a stressor which induces a feeling of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty or dread
What causes anxiety occurs as a result of threats that may be misperceived or misinterpreted or as a result of a treat to identity or self-esteem
What are the 3 types of anxiety Normal-a healthy type of anxiety Acute- precipitated by imminent loss/change that threatens the sense of security Chronic-anxiety that the individual has lived with for a long time
how many levels of anxiety are there Mild Moderate Severe Panic
Which level of anxiety is associated with the tensions of everyday life Mild
which level of anxiety is selective inattentiveness and learning and problem solving still takes place Moderate
Having a feeling that something bad is about to happen to you is which level of anxiety Severe
Which level of anxiety focuses on specific details or scattered details Severe
Which level of anxiety has rational thoughts with distorted perception Panic
When you Panic you have the inability to concentrate
If prolonged can Panic lead to exhaustion and death yes
What types of data is collected for anxiety shortness of breath, sweating, headache, nausea, hot/cold flashes, chest pain, tremors/twitches, chills, faintness/dizziness, numbness/tingling
What are some nursing diagnosis for anxiety anxiety, ineffective coping, altered role performance, altered thought process, social isolation, personal identity disturbances
What are interventions for anxiety recognize the anxiety, protect the client, decrease stimulation, encourage to talk about feeling, use calming manner, use low pitched voice, establish trust, not attacking coping mechanisms, encourage problem solving, set limits/provide outlets
What would be evaluations for anxiety client remains free of anxiety symptoms, client is able to verbalize source of anxiety, client is able to function during situation
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is termed as preoccupation with persistent intrusive thoughts and ideas
Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder fear, phobia, Obsession-involuntary, seemingly uncontrollable-thoughts, images or impulses that occur over again in the mind; Compulsion-rituals performed in an attempt to make the obsession go away
Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder fear of being contaminated, excessive double-checking, order/symmetry , Anxiety, Harmful to self, Codependency, Superstitions
Nursing Diagnosis for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Anxiety, Ineffective Coping, Chronic Low Self-Esteem
Interventions for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Identify the situation that precipitates the behavior; Do Not interrupt the behavior; Decrease anxiety; Implement a schedule; Set limits, Contract, Encourage expression of feelings
Somatization (Hypochondriacs) persistent worry or complaints regarding physical illness when there are no supporting physical findings
Causes of Somatization (Hypochondriacs) unknown but htought to be a result of traumatic experience
Signs/Symptoms of Somatization (Hypochondriacs) Anxiety, Preoccupation, repeating visiting doctor, frequent research about disorders, multiple complaints, difficulty expressing feelings, doctor shopping, fear, frequent research about disorders
Created by: Valadiece
Popular Nursing sets




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