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Week 5 EAQ

Week 5 EAQ Concepts of Nursing

Which breath sounds would the nurse consider normal? Select all that apply. - Loud, high-pitched sound resembling air blowing through a hollow pipe - Soft, low -pitched, gentle, rustling sounds heard over all lung areas except the major bronchi - Medium-pitched sounds heard anteriorly over the mainstem bronchi on either side of
The nurse should perform which assessments for a patient complaining of a cough? Cough sound, sputum production, and pattern
Which assessment finding will the nurse expect in a patient who is diagnosed with a mass on the right side of the neck? Tracheal deviation to the left
The nurse must perform which intervention for a patient receiving a pulmonary function test? Assess the patient for respiratory distress
Which condition is associated with tachypnea and clubbing of the fingers? Chronic hypoxemia
Which action should the nurse take when administering and reading the tuberculosis (TB) skin test? Draw a diagram of the forearm and hand and label the injection sites in the patient' s chart.
The nurse expects to note which type of fremitus in a patient with a pneumothorax? absent
Which test will be conducted to confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) for a patient experiencing a chronic cough? Tuberculin test
Which conditions may cause a false-negative reaction in a tuberculin test? Select all that apply. - Anergy/ immunosuppression - Overwhelming tuberculosis (TB) infection - TB infection within 8-10 weeks of exposure
A patient may be sent for which test based on the following respiratory assessment information? Inspection - Tachypea and cyanosis Palpation- Increased tactile fremitus left lower lobe Percussion Dullness over left lower lobe Auscultation- Bronchial chest xray
Which diagnosis does the nurse expect based on the following respiratory assessment findings? Inspection - Barrel chest pursed lip breathing Palpation- Diminished excursion Percusussion - Hyperresonance Auscultation - Distant crackles and wheezing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Why might a patient with lung cancer develop a pleural effusion? Lymphatic drainage blocked by malignant cells
Which early manifestations of distress will the nurse expect in a patient whose arterial blood gas results show the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO 2) at 65 mm HG and the arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) at 80%? Restlessness, tachypnea, tachycardia and diaphoresis
The nurse would expect which assessment findings in a patient with late manifestations of inadequate oxygenation? Select all that apply. - use of accessory muscles - cyanosis and cool, clammy skin - pausing for breath between sentences and words
AN older adult may present with which respiratory assessment findings? Select all that apply. - thicker mucus - decreased chest wall movement - diminished breath sounds, particularly at lung bases
Which question will the nurse ask when assessing the nutritional metabolic pattern of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? "Have you lost any weight recently?"
Which questions will the nurse ask when assessing the effects of a patient's respiratory diagnosis on activity exercise patterns? - "Do you have trouble walking due to shortness of breath?" - "How many flight of stairs can you walk up before you are short of breath?"
In which pattern will the nurse auscultate the chest of a patient with shortness of breath and a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/iin? starting at the lung bases
Which nursing action is the priority for a patient admitted to the hospital with cyanosis, dyspnea, and tachycardia and who is sweating and has cold, clammy skin? start oxygen therapy
Which laboratory parameter indicates that it is unsafe for a patient to undergo a CT scan? Serum creatinine 3.0 mg/dL
LPneumonia will likely present with which breath sounds? - egophony - bronchophony - whispering pectoriloquy
Which diagnosis will the nurse anticipate for a patient who presents with dyspnea, bluish discoloration of the lips, fine crackles on auscultation, and dullness upon percussion of the lung fields? Pulmonary edema
Created by: Brandi Sizemore
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