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Sociology Chapter 3

Culture Refers to the learned and shared behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and material objects that characterize a particular group or society.
Society A group of people who share a culture and a defined territory.
Characteristics of Culture -Learned -Transmitted from one generation to the next -Shared -Adaptive and always changing
Material Culture Consists of the physical objects that people make, use, and share
Nonmaterial Culture The ideas that people create to interpret and understand the world
Symbol Anything that stands for something else and has a particular meaning for people who share a culture
Language A system of shared symbols that enables people to communicate with one another
Why Language is important? Makes us human: its coveys our ideas, transmits information, and influences people's attitudes and behavior o Directs our thinking, control our actions, and shapes our expression of emotions
Values the standards by which people define what is good or bad, moral or immoral, proper or improper, desirable or undesirable, beautiful or ugly
Major U.S Values -Achievement and success -Humanitarianism -Efficiency and practicality -Progress - Material possessions -Freedom and equality -Conformity -Democracy -Individualism
Norms Specific rules of right and wrong behavior
Folkways Norms that involve everyday customs, practices, and interaction
Mores Norms that people consider very important because they maintain moral and ethical behavior
Laws Formally defined norms about what is legal or illegal
Sanctions Rewards for good or appropriate behavior and/or penalties for bad or inappropriate behavior
Rituals Formal and repeated behavior that unite people
Cultural Universals Customs and practices that are common to all societies
Ideal Culture The beliefs, values, and norms that people say they hold or follow
Real Culture People's actual everyday behavior
Ethnocentrism The belief that one's own culture, society, or group is inherently superior that others
Cultural Relativism The belief that no culture is better than another and should be judged by its own standards
Subculture A group within society that has distinctive norms, values, beliefs, lifestyles, or language
Counterculture A group within society that openly opposes and rejects some of the dominant culture's norms, values, or laws
Multiculturalism The coexistence of several cultures in same geographic area, without one culture dominant another
Culture Shock Confusion, disorientation, or anxiety that accompanies exposure to unfamiliar way of life
High Culture The cultural expression of society's highest social classes
Popular Culture The beliefs, practices, activities, and products that are widespread among a population
Cultural Capital Resources and assets that give a group advantages.
Mass Media Forms of communication designed to reach large numbers of people
Cultural Imperialism The cultural values and products of society influence or dominate those of another
Cultural Integration The consistency of various aspects of society that promotes order and stability
Cultural Lag The gap that occurs when material culture changes faster than nonmaterial culture
Created by: Yerlin99
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