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Taylor: Ch 2

Key Terms - Health of the Individual, Family, & Community

basic human needs something essential to the health and survival of humans; common to all people
blended family two single
extended family nuclear family and other related people
family any group of two or more people who live together and are emotionally involved with each other
hierarchy of basic human needs as defined by Maslow, certain needs are more basic than others; a person strives to at least minimally meet certain needs before attending to others
love and belonging needs understanding and acceptance of others in giving and receiving love
nuclear family family unit, family of marriage, parenthood, or procreation, and their immediate children
physiologic needs need for oxygen, food, water, temperature, elimination, sexuality, activity, and rest; these needs have the highest priority and are essential for survival
safety and security needs person's need to be protected from actual or potential harm and to have freedom from fear
self-actualization needs need to reach one's potential through full development of one's unique capabilities; highest level need
self-esteem needs need to feel good about oneself and to believe others hold one in high regard
Created by: intellivisionx
Popular Nursing sets




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