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Cranial Nerves
Term | Definition |
Cranial Nerve I | Olfactory Nerve |
With the person's eyes closed, occlude one nostril and present an aromatic substance. Use familiar, obtainable, and nonnoxious smells such as coffee, toothpaste, orange, vanilla, soap, or peppermint. Alcohol wipes smell familiar and are easy to find. | Cranial Nerve I—Olfactory Nerve |
Cranial Nerve II | Optic Nerve |
Test visual acuity and visual fields by confrontation. Using the ophthalmoscope, examine the ocular fundus to determine the color, size, and shape of the optic disc. | Cranial Nerve II—Optic Nerve |
Cranial Nerves III | Oculomotor Nerve |
Cranial Nerves IV | Trochlear Nerve |
Cranial Nerves V | Trigeminal Nerve |
Cranial Nerves VI | Abducens Nerve |
Cranial Nerves VII | Facial Nerve |
Cranial Nerves VIII | Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear) Nerve |
Cranial Nerves IX | Glossopharyngeal Nerve |
Cranial Nerves X | Vagus Nerves |
Cranial Nerve XI | Spinal Accessory Nerve |
Cranial Nerve XII | Hypoglossal Nerve |