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TL Renal System

Nursing of the adult with renal disorder

How do we assess hydration in the skin and mucosa? Assess the hydration status by noting texture and turgor. Observe the oral mucosa for to see if hydration is adequate.
Pain in the flank may indicate what? Kidney infection or inflammation
How do we assess for tenderness in the kidney area? Gently percuss the costovertebral angle (angle formed by the spine and the 12th rib). Pain indicates inflammation of the kidneys.
When the patient feels pain when you palpate above the symphysis pubis and below the umbilicus at the midline and also feels an urge to urinate What could be the problem? The bladder is distended. Usually the bladder rest below the symphysis pubis and we cannot palpate it.
What is acute renal failure? What are the three general causes of acute renal failure? sudden interruption of renal function caused by obstruction, poor circulation, or kidney disease
What is azotemia? increased toxic levels of nitrogenous wastes in the blood
Define chronic renal failure? slow, progressive loss of kidney function and glomerular filtration
Define cystectomy. partial or total removal of the bladder and surrounding structures
Define cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder
Define glomerulonephritis and characterizing symptoms. inflammation of the glomerulus characterized by decreased urine production, blood and protein in the urine, and edema
What term is used indicate the presence of blood in the urine? hematuria
What procedure involves injecting a contrast medium into a vein and taking x-ray films of kidneys as the medium is cleared from the blood? intravenous pyelography
What is the name of the procedure that breaks up stones in the urinary system? Lithotripsy
Define nephrotic syndrome. renal disease characterized by massive edema and excess protein in the urine
Less than 400mL of urine in 24 hours Oliguria
What is the name of the procedure that reproduces the function of faltering kidneys by filtering blood through a peritoneal membrane? Peritoneal dialysis
What disorder is characterized by multiple cyst of the kidney? Polycystic kidney disease
Excess production of urine polyuria
A pus forming infection of the kidney that usually moves upward from the lower urinary tract pyelonephritis
Pus in the urine pyuria
When might a urinary diversion procedure be utilized? when normal channels are damaged or defective
Define vesicoureteral reflux. backflow of urine from bladder into ureter
Describe the shape and location of the kidneys. bean shaped located on either side of the spinal column behind the peritoneal cavity
What are the functions of the kidneys? regulate fluid, electrolyte, acid-base balance, remove wastes from the blood
What renal disorder is characterized by massive edema and protein in the urine? Nephrotic syndrome
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