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Week 9 CON 246

Week 9 Collaborative Care of Hypertension

Which meal option is most appropriate for a patient diagnosed with hypertension? Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, and apple juice Meal choices for hypertensive patients should be low in sodium and fat. Grilled chicken and fresh spinach salad meet this criterion.
A patient with hypertension reports that he recently lost his job and has been arguing with his wife about finances. Due to the stress, he has been drinking up to six alcoholic beverages and smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. Which recommendations shou Encourage daily walking - Refer to counseling - Attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings - Assess your blood pressure at home daily
A patient with hypertension is receiving risk reduction strategies from the nurse. The patient asks the nurse why he needs to stop smoking. Which response from the nurse is most appropriate? “Nicotine contained in tobacco causes vasoconstriction and leads to an increase in blood pressure.”
A patient with hypertension is receiving risk reduction strategies from the nurse. The patient asks the nurse why he needs to stop smoking. Which response from the nurse is most appropriate? Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor - ACE inhibitors block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a vasoconstrictor. ACE inhibitors will also prevent the breakdown of bradykinins and cause a cough.
Which classification of hypertensive drugs is used primarily to decrease the workload of the heart? Calcium channel blockers - CCBs block calcium influx into the beta-receptors, decrease the force of the myocardial contraction, reduce the heart rate, and decrease peripheral vascular resistance.
Which statements would the nurse make to a patient taking over-the-counter medications while undergoing antihypertensive drug therapy? “Avoid high-sodium antacids.” - “Be cautious of cold and sinus medications.” - “Review the warning labels on all over-the-counter medication.” - “Exercise caution with consumption of appetite suppressants.”
A 65-year-old male presents with hypertension and reports that he works 6 days per week and cooks most food in a deep fryer for convenience. He swims 4 days weekly and sleeps 4 hours nightly. When discussing necessary lifestyle changes, which recommendati Decrease work to only 5 days or 40 hours per week -Include a light weight training regimen with swimming.
A 55-year-old male presents with a 170/48 BP. He tells the nurse that he is currently going through a divorce. He admits he has been depressed and angry because of financial problems stemming from his divorce. How should the nurse respond to this informat “Sometimes stress can cause an increase in blood pressure.”
The nurse is providing patient teaching to a 46-year-old with hypertension. Which patient meal selection indicates that the teaching was effective? Grilled chicken with mushrooms and asparagus, baked potato, and skim milk.
A patient with hypertension has been prescribed an ACE inhibitor. Which information should the nurse include in patient teaching? You should avoid bananas and salt substitutes. - Notify the health care provider if you develop a persistent cough.
A patient receiving loop diuretic drug therapy for hypertension reports dizziness when changing positions from sitting to standing. Which action should the nurse take? Obtain orthostatic vital signs - Instruct the patient to switch to salt substitute - Instruct the patient to switch to salt substitute - Tell the patient to stand slowly and with assistance - Encourage the patient to report symptoms to the health care pro
Which information should the nurse include in the patient instructions related to antihypertensive drug therapy? Patients should take the medication at regular time intervals as ordered. - The patient may experience sexual problems as a side effect of the medication. - Patients should be cautious when rising from a sitting to a standing position too rapidly.
Created by: Brandi Sizemore
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