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MTS 102

102 instructor fundamentals
State the purpose of the navy training system Is a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training
Define the most essential, single link in the training chain The instructor
3 qualities of an efficient and effective instructor . KAP Knowledge, ability, personality
Responsibility to students Teach effectively set a good example for students to follow and resolve conflicts
Responsibility to fraternization Navy's policy on fraternization OPNAV INS T 5370.2
Responsibility to sexual harassment SECNAVINST 5300.26
Responsibility to diversity Different characteristics and attributes of individuals that enhance the mission readiness of the Department of the Navy and strengthen the capabilities of our navy total force
Responsibility to training safety Instructor must demonstrate proper safety procedures and ensure a safe training environment for his students
Responsibility to security OPNAVINST 551 0.1
Responsibility to curriculum Know the difference between change and revision.A change is minor pen and ink a revision requires TPP CCAa approval
4 principles of John Keller's model of motivational theory. ARCS Attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction
List and discuss the key principles of applying motivational theory in a training situation. NAAVII Needs and drives, attitudes, achievements, values, interest, incentives.
State the ultimate goal of instruction Cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives
6 laws of learning . REEPIR Law of readiness, law of exercise, law of effect, law of primacy, law of intensity, law of recency
5 ways of learning. ITA IT Imitation trial-and-error association insight transfer
Discuss how motivation affect students learning Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives
State and discuss the types of censorary learnings. VAK Visual, auditory, kinesthetic
4 basic learning styles. CARA Concrete, active, reflective, abstract.
Discuss the barriers to effective communication. LOF E Lack of common core experience, over use of extractionism, fear, environmental factors.
Purpose of an effective communication process Consist of a sender a message a delivery vehicle and a receiver
Importance of listening communication skills An effective process of hearing and understanding which demands concentration and attention
6 factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery. Is AGR PIF Articulation, grammar, rate of speech, pauses, inflection, force of delivery.
State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication Body movement reinforces emphasizes and clarifies verbally expressed ideas
4 purposes of oral questioning. FAD S Focuses attention, arouses interest and subject matter, drill students on subject matter, stimulates student to think
state and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question. clu Clarity of meeting, level of instruction, use of interrogative
Types and purpose of oral questions. MYCLIFT Multiple answer, yes no, canvassing, leading, interest arousing, factual question , thought provoking
5 steps of 5 step questioning technique Apple Ask, pause, pick, listen, emphasize
List and discuss the different instructional methods Lecture, lecture with audio visuals, lesson, demonstration, role playing, team dimensional training, gaming and simulation
3 parts of a learning objective. BCS Behavior, condition, standard
2 methods of testing and their importance Knowledge: measured achievement through the use of test Performance measure skill acquisition demonstrates specific behaviors designed by learning objective
5 learning levels of a knowledge test. RR CAA Recognition, recall, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation
Different types of performance tests. P p c Product, process, combination
primary materials used in presenting instruction. LII Lesson plan, instruction sheets, instructional media material visual media material
Discuss student feedback/course critique Provides feedback to the training and course supervisor on areas such as training curriculum effectiveness and structure performance safety and quality life issues
equal opportunity Provide equal opportunities for bold genders to serve in leadership roles and ensure bold genders actively participate in learning activities
Navy core values Serve as a role model in your military conduct, attitude, appearance and bearing
Sexual harassment SECNAVINST 5300.26
Diversity Different characteristics and attributes of individuals that enhance the mission readiness of the Department of the Navy and strengthen and the capabilities of our total navy force
Instructor qualification process Ensure proficiency in 2 areas instructional technique and technical knowledge
Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process Instructors failing to maintain original screening requirements as well as instructors receiving unsatisfactory evaluations shall be disqualified
Created by: Timp
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