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Intro to A & P

Basics of A&P

What is anatomy? It is the structure of the body.
What is physiology? It is the function of the body.
What are subjective symptoms? Symptoms that are told by the patient (headaches).
What are objective symptoms? Symptoms that can be seen, observed, or measured (hypertension)
What is the structure order? Chemical to cellular to tissue to organs to organ systems to the body
What is homeostasis? It is to maintain stable, internal conditions no matter what changes are occurring outside of the body.
What is the anatomical position? When the body is facing forward while the arms are down the side with the palms facing forward.
The sagital plane is... A split that divides the body into left and right.
The medial plane are... Structures toward the midline
The parasagital plane is... Parallel to the sagital line but only on one side
The lateral line is... Structures further away from the midline
The coronal line is... Splits the body into front and back.
The proximal line is... Towards the trunk
The transverse line... Splits the body into top and bottom.
The distal line is... Away from the trunk.
What are axial parts? All structures in the center of the body.
What are appendicular parts? Structures attached to the body's axis.
What is the anterior plane? It is the front of the body.
What is the posterior plane? It is the back of the body.
Where is the superior plane? It is towards the top of the body.
Where is the inferior plane? It is towards the bottom of the body.
What is the supine position? lying down, face up
What is the prone position? lying down, face down
What is the lateral position? Lying down on either side
What are anatomical landmarks? Structures that can be palpated.
What are anatomical regions? Reference positions.
What is surface anatomy? To locate structures on or near the body surface that can be seen.
What are the 4 abdominal quadrants? RUQ,RLQ,LUQ,LLQ
Peritoneum means... abdomen
Pleura means... lungs
Pericardium... cardiac
Visceral means... organ
Perieteal means... wall
Perituneam means... liver
What is peritoneal organ? An organ is wrapped in serous membrane.
What is retroperitoneal? The organ is behind perituneam and not wrapped in serous membrane.
What is the pelvic cavity? It is the reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum.
Where is the mediasturnum? The area behind the sturnum.
What is the thoracic cavity? Has the mediasternum, diaphragm, pleural cavities, and the pericardial.
What are cavities? Closed, fluid spaces that protect internal organs and allow them to change shape
What is serousa? It is thin tissue lining on inside walls (covering organs).
Where is the pelvic cavity? inferior to the abdominal cavity
Autoregulation occurs where? At the cell and tissue level
Extrinsic regulation is where? It is by the nervous and endocrine system.
What are receptors? It receives stimulus or detects change, thermostat
What is the control center? It processes the receptors' info, then decides based on your set point
What is the effector? It carries out info from CC to restore homeostasis.
What is negative feedback? It is the response that reverses the original stimulus and restores homeostasis.
Thermoregulation is... sweating to cool the body
Positive feedback is... when the body is moved away from homeostasis or amplifies the original change
H is a... Proton
Dynamic equilibrium is... the continual adaptation to changing conditions
Lack of __________ causes what? dynamic euilibrium
_______ determines the ________ properties of an atom. Electrons, chemical
What is a bond? It is a weak or strong electrical attraction that holds atoms in the same vicinity
What are ionic bonds? an atom that has a + or - charge
What are covalent bonds? It is the sharing of an electron through the valence shell
Cation has a ____ charge and an anion has a ____ charge. positive, negative
Nonpolar means... equal sharing of electrons with no charge
Polar means... nonequal sharing of electrons (water)
s+= positive charge
s- = negative charge
What is a free radical? an atom, ion, or molecule that contains unpaired electrons in valence shell but can damage vital proteins like enzymes
OIL RIG stands for... oxidation is loss of an electron, reduction is gain of an electron
Surface tension is... how difficult it is to stretch or break the attraction of hydrogen bonds
Surfactant is... the thing that breaks the water tension
Metabolism is... when all chemical reactants take place at any given moment
Energy is... the capacity to do work
Work is... the movement of an object
Kinetic energy is... the energy of motion
Chemical energy is... potential energy stored in chemical bonds
The amount of ____ is proportional to the amount of ___ done. heat, work
Water is special because... of its reactivity, specific heat capacity, and lubrication
An aqueous solution is... a solution with mostly water
__________ imbalance seriously disturbs vital body fluids. Electrolytes
Colloid means... the blood pressure and protein status
Suspension means... the particles will precipitate and contains large particles that settle out of solution
pH of blood is... 7.35-7.45
Created by: traviafun
Popular Biology sets




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