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Religion Final

sacrament a visible sign of an invisible reality; a visible sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace
liturgy the Church's public, official, communal prayer in which the people of God participate
RCIA the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; a program designed to give adults seeking to join the Catholic faith all three Sacraments of Christian Initiation
apostolic succession the direct line of succession from Jesus' apostles through the pope and bishops
grace God's free and undeserved grace of His loving and active presence, empowering us to respond to His call
sin any deliberate offense, in thought, word, or deed, against the will of God
three categories of sacraments initiation, healing, and vocation
sacraments of initiation baptism, confirmation, and eucharist
sacraments of healing reconciliation and anointing of the sick
sacraments of vocation holy orders and matrimony
first sacrament that brings us into the Church Baptism
ordinary minister of Baptism deacon, priest, or bishop
who can baptize in an emergency anyone who is baptized
essential matter and form of baptism water and the Trinitarian formula
scriptural foundation of baptism Mark 1:9-11 - Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan
effects of baptism (know at least two) freed from Original Sin and personal sin, receive an indelible mark, become adopted children of God, become members of the Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit for discipleship, die and rise with Christ
ordinary minister of Confirmation bishop
matter of Confirmation laying on of hands and anointing with the Sacred Chrism
form of Confirmation invocation of the Holy Spirit - "be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
Scriptural foundation of Confirmation Acts 8:14-17 - Pentecost
effects of Confirmation (at least two) outpouring of the Holy Spirit, strengthens relationship with the Church, roots us more deeply in divine filiation, unites us more firmly to Christ, helps bear witness to our faith through words and actions, involves us more deeply in the Church's mission
ordinary minister of Eucharist bishop or priest
matter of Eucharist unleavened bread and wine
form of Eucharist Luke 22:19-20 - words of consecration
Scriptural foundation of Eucharist Mark 14:22-26 - the Last Supper
effects of Eucharist (at least two) strengthens our union with Christ and the Church, encourages our prayer for the unity of all Christians, separates us from sin, commits us to the poor
ordinary minister of Penance and Reconciliation bishop, priest, or deacon
matter of Penance and Reconciliation contrition, confession, and satisfaction
form of Penance and Reconciliation absolution - "I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Scriptural foundation of Penance and Reconciliation John 20:22-23 - Giving the Ability to Forgive
effects of Penance and Reconciliation (at least two) forgiveness of all sins, reconciliation with God and the Church by the grace received, remission of punishment for the sins committed, peace, spiritual strength to resist temptation
ordinary minister of Anointing of the Sick priest or bishop
matter of Anointing of the Sick oil and laying on of hands
form of Anointing of the Sick prayer for the grace of the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins
Scriptural foundation of Anointing of the Sick James 5:14-15
effects of Anointing of the Sick (at least two) union of the sick person to Christ in His Passion, strength, peace, and courage to endure the sufferings of illness or old age, forgiveness of sins, restoration of health if God wills it, and preparation for passing over to eternal life
ordinary minister of Holy Orders bishop
matter of Holy Orders laying on of hands
form of Holy Orders prayer of consecration
Scriptural foundation of Holy Orders Matthew 16:18 - Peter becomes pope
effects of Holy Orders (at least two) indelible mark and special grace of the Holy Spirit to act as a representative of Christ
ordinary minister of Matrimony the couple themselves (priest/deacon/bishop are witnesses)
matter of Matrimony man, woman, and consummation
form of Matrimony vows - "I, name, take you, name, to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
Scriptural foundation of Matrimony Mark 10:6-9 - Creation and Marriage of Man and Woman
effects of Matrimony (at least two) grace to perfect the couple's love for each other, lifelong bond, help to live out the responsibilities of married life, help to prepare for the journey to Heaven
Popular Religion sets




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