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Current Planning

Areas of Practice: Current Planning- AICP November 2022 Test

Scales Small Scale Map = Large Land Area with very little detail Large Scale Map = Limited Land area in great detail US Geological Survey uses 1: 24,000 linear feet
General Scales 1:24,000 means that 1 inch represents 2,000 linear feet. 1:62,500 means that 1 inch represents 0.98 miles. 1:500,000 means that 1 inch equals 7.89 miles. 1:2,000,000 means that 1 inch equals 31.57 miles.
General Slopes 0-0.5% = no drainage, not suited for dev; 0.5-1% = no prob, ideal for all types of dev; 1-3% = slight prob for large comm areas; accept for resid; 3-5% = maj prob for comm/ind/large scale resid; 5-10% = suitable only for specially designed deve.
Contour lines Lines of equal elevation.
Contour interval distance between contour lines. Closer together = steeper terrain. Slope calculated by change in elevation by horizontal distance.
Slope change in the y-coordinate ("Rise" or the change in height) divided by change in the x-coordinate ("Run" or the total distance) "Rise over Run" = Example: height of 1 foot at point A and height of 2 ft at point B 1/2 x 100= 50%
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Determines building density. Ratio of gross floor area of a building divided by Net ground area. Example. 20,000 sf parcel (net ground area) has a FAR of .5 then floor area of building cannot exceed 10,000 sf.
Important Numbers 1 foot = 12 inches 1 miles = 5,280 feet 1 acre = 43,560 square feet
Subdivision division of land into two or more parcels, site, lots for the purpose of transfer of ownership, development or other forms of valuable interest in city limits and ETJ. May include min acreage reqs.
plat map of a tract or parcel of land
replat allows for lots to be subdivided further or added back together
amending plat corrects errors or adds additional information to a plat
vacating plat allows for a plat to be terminated prior to the selling of any lots
preliminary plat to-scale mechanical drawing with precise topography and prescribed intervals showing the calculated location of all lots, streets, drainage patterns, facilities, and proposed dedications
final plat the approved preliminary plat with all bearing, monuments, curves, and notations, together with all dedications, easement, and approvals.
purposes behind subdivision regulations Regulate sub dev and implement plan policies Impl orderly growth and dev win city limit and ETJ Adeq streets, alleys, parks Protect from inadeq police and fire prot Sanitary conditions Compl w certain standards Officially register land
Platting for cities or counties The applicant submits a prelim plat; A prelim plat is reviewed for compliance with subdivision regs; Plat is then reviewed and approved by the planning commission; Property owner prepares the final plat until it is approved by the planning commission.
performance bonds Agreement btw property owner and community to ensure final plat is built as shown on drawings w/in a certain time period. If dev fails to meet the reqs, the gvmt may use bond to construct improvements. Bond released when construction complete.
Dedications gifts of land for public purposes, such as roads, parks, and utilities
Impact fees charged for off-site infrastructure that is needed to provide service to a development, such as a water or a sewer main
development agreement Voluntary contract btw local jurisdiction and a property owner detailing the obligations of both parties and specifying the standards and conditions that will govern development of the property. Legally binding on the parties and their successors.
subdivision bonuses Extension of dev benefits beyond those normally offered such as affordable housing, cluster housing, and open space preservation. The dev may receive assistance with infra, waived impact fees , or construct at a higher density may be granted
Created by: cristinemshoff
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