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Religion Year 8
Term | Definition |
Sacrament | A religious ceremony. |
Initiation | The action of admitting someone into a society. |
Enrichment | Improving the quality or value of something |
Symbol | A symbol or character that is typically employed to represent an entity, such as the letter or symbols that stand in for a chemical element or a character in musical notation. |
Nourish | gives the food or other materials required for development, health, and excellent health. |
Engaged | Unavailable |
Baptism | The Christian religious practice of sprinkling water on someone's forehead or submerging them in water as a sign of entrance into the Christian Church and purification or regeneration. |
Eucharist | The Christian worship service, ritual, or sacrament that honours the Last Supper by consecrating and consuming bread and wine. |
Confirmation | confirmation, whether as an action or a state, is the act of verifying something. |
Strengthen | making or developing strength. |