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The Odyssey Charas

for the Humanities Honors test on 9/12 Monday,,,I'm going to poop my pants

character or placedescription
Cicones people whom Odysseus' men attack soon after the Greeks leave
Laestrygonians cannibal tribe encountered by Odysseus
Lotus Eaters islanders who tempt Odysseus' crew with their lotus flowers
Alcinous king of the Phaeacians, in whose court Odysseus tells his story
Antinous rambunctious leader among Penelope's suitors during Odysseus' absence; dies first in the Great Hall after Odysseus shoots an arrow into his throat
Eumaeus swineherd and an old and loyal servant to Odysseus
Eurycleia Odysseus' old nurse; recognized Odysseus after bathing him and seeing his hunting scar
Eurylochus second in command to Odysseus; he leads Odysseus' men to slaughter the cattle of Helios for consumption
Eurymachus one of the suitors for Penelope, another leader of the suitors alongside Antinous; tried to plan to kill Telemachus but failed and is killed by Odysseus via his spear
Laertes Odysseus' father, the old king lives humbly and in solitude on a small farm where he mourns the absence of his son; once reunited with Odysseus, he is restored to dignity
Perimedes loyal member of Odysseus' crew who helps him with making the sacrifices necessary to visit with spirits from the Underworld
Tiresias blind prophet whom Odysseus consults in the underworld; shows Odysseus how to communicate with souls in the Underworld and how to get back to Ithaca
Aeaea island home of Circe
Aeolia island home of Aeolus, god of winds
Ismarus a stronghold on the coast of the Cicones
Ogygia island home of Calypso
Phaeacia island of shipbuilders and traders; ruled by Alcinous
Scylla a six-headed monster who, when ships pass, swallows one sailor for each head
Thrinacia island of Helios, the sun god
Aeolus Greek god of winds
Muse one of the nine goddesses who preside over art, literature, and science
Calypso sea nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island for seven years
Charybdis deadly whirlpool, across a narrow strait from Scylla
Circe the witch who turns Odysseus' men into swine (gave Odysseus important warnings)
Polyphemus son of Poseidon; a cyclops who briefly imprisons Odysseus and his men whom he ate before getting his eye stabbed by Odysseus
Sirens sea nymphs who lure sailors to their deaths by singing sweetly
Argos Odysseus' faithful dog
nobody or no-man the name that Odysseus jokingly tells the cyclops after stabbing his eye and blinding him before getting cocky and revealing himself as Odysseus
Demodocus blind bard of the Phaecians; he sings of Odysseus' quarrel with Achilles at Troy; this makes Odysseus cry
Achaeans Greeks
Titans an earlier generation of gods who were overthrown by Zeus and his followers
Agamemnon commander of the Greek forces at Troy
Telemachus son of Odysseus
Penelope Odysseus' wife who was pursued by the suitors during Odysseus' absence
Ithaca island homeland of Odysseus
Olympus home of the Greek gods on the peak of Mt. Olympus
Troy also called Ilion or Ilium; site of the Trojan War, the mighty city that fell during the Trojan War
Underworld land of the dead
Apollo Greek god of music, poetry, archery, and prophecy
Athena Greek goddess of wisdom, skill, warfare, cities, and weaving
Cronus father of Zeus and leader of Titans, an earlier generation of gods
Helios Greek sun god who keeps a herd of cattle on his own island
Poseidon Greek god of the sea and of earthquakes, oceans, and horses
Zeus king/ruler of all the gods and goddesses; god of lightning
Cyclops race of one-eyed giants
Achilles the warrior who was the greatest Greek hero in the Trojan War
Artemis goddess of the hunt and the moon
Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty
Dionysus god of wine and revelry
Hera wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage
Hestia goddess of the hearth
Ares god of war
Hephaestus god of smiths (blacksmiths) and fire
Demeter goddess of agriculture
Hades god (ruler) of the dead and Underworld
Hermes messenger god
Ulysses Latin name for Odysseus
Pylos the first kingdom where Telemachus went on his journey to find answers about his father; here he meets Nestor
Sparta the second kingdom where Telemachus went on his journey to find answers about his father; here he meets king Menelaus
Nestor king of Pylos, chatty wise guy that fought with Odysseus in Troy; sends Telemachus off to Sparta after Telemachus visits his kingdom Pylos
Menelaus king of Sparta, Agamemnon's brother, also fought with Odysseus in Troy; made Telemachus confident in the fact that his father is stilll alive
Elpenor drunk dude that died while on Circe's island via falling off the roof of her house; after going to the Underworld, Odysseus returns briefly to Circe to bury Elpenor properly
Created by: yoonjae
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