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LASOM - Homiletics

Intro to Homiletics - Anointed Expository Preaching

1. What three ingredients in the very nature of preaching are non-negotiable? Pg. 4-5 1. Biblical Revelation 2. Biblical Exposition 3. Biblical Proclamation
2. Paul could put forth only two explanations for the divine activity of God’s call for him to preach the gospel. What were they? Pg. 9-10 1. God's Eternal Call of Grace 2. God's Effectual Call of Grace
3. In fulfilling the purpose of God’s call to preach the Gospel, what three imperatives do the authors mention concerning preaching? Pg. 14-16 We must be: 1. Faithful in our Preaching. 2. Fearless in our Preaching 3. Fervent in our Preaching
4. List six procedural movements that may be helpful to the preacher’s private reading of God’s Word. Pg. 21-23 1. Wait 2. Read 3. Think 4. Write 5. Pray 6. Share
5. According to the text, the Bible is sufficient for what four things? Pg. 25-27 1. Revelation 2. Refutation 3. Restoration 4. Regulation
6. In the opening verses of the sixth chapter of Galatians, what are the characteristics of the spiritual focus of Spirit-directed ministry? Pg. 35-36 We are to restore the Fallen, release the Fettered, and rebuke the Foolish
7. According to Paul’s writings in 1 Timothy 6, what two vices must be shunned by the man of God? Pg. 39-41 1. Liberalism 2. Mammonism
8. List the three descriptions and corresponding pursuits from 1 Timothy 6:11 of the virtuous man of God. Pg. 43-46 1. A Holy Man of God – Pursues righteousness and godliness 2. A Happy Man of God - Pursue faith and love 3. A Humble Man of God - Pursue Patience & Gentleness
9. What two temptations concerning compromise in ministry must the man of God fight? Pg. 47-48 1. Temptation to Vary our Christian Confession 2. Temptation to Vary our Christian Commission
10. What three word pictures of disciplined endeavor does Paul employ in 2 Timothy 2:4-6 to illustrate the various aspects of the preacher’s responsibility? Pg. 51-52 1. Endurance of a soldier 2. Obedience of the athlete 3. Dependence of a farmer
11. In terms of practical experience, the work of God in the preacher’s personal life covers what four areas? Pg. 53-56 1. The Moral Life 2. The Mental Life 3. The Marital Life 4. The Manual Life (physical body)
12. Paul knew that the life, growth, health, and strength of the church depend on what? Pg. 69 Expository Preaching
13. In simple terms, the approach to expository preaching includes what four “musts”? Pg. 72-77 1. The Study of the Text 2. The Subject of the Text 3. The Structure of the Text 4. The Substance of the Text
14. What were the lasting legacies of Paul’s ministry in Ephesus? Pg. 82 1. A personal example 2. A preached Word 3. A prepared leadership
15. Within the routines of ministry, there can be a balancing of what three types of messages? Pg. 95 1. New messages prepared from scratch 2. Messages prepared from unfinished notes, outlines, etc. 3. The preaching of messages that have been prepared and preached previously.
16. Define textual-thematic preaching as explained by Sidney Greidanus. Pg. 102 “Preaching in which the theme of the sermon is rooted in the text.”
17. Study or investigation of the selected sermon text should take into account what three emphasis? Pg. 104 1. The historical and literary settings of the text 2. The syntactical and verbal specifics of the text 3. The doctrinal and theological significance of the text
18. What two potential barriers to understanding the sermon text must be admitted by the preacher? Pg. 109 1. Personal 2. Spiritual
19. What settings must be considered during the preacher’s investigation of the text? Pg. 111-112 1. Literary Setting 2. Historical Setting
20. What percentage of one’s preparation time do the authors say may need to be used in investigating the specifics of the sermon text? Pg. 104 30 %
21. What words and information ought to be studied in detail during investigation of the sermon text? Pg. 115-123 1. Unknown Words 2. Significant Words 3. Key Words in Context 4. Other Words That May Be of Special Significance 5. Difficult Words 6. Names, Places, Dates, Numbers, and Historical Data
22. What is used to interpret Scripture? Pg. 129 Scripture
23. As a final aspect of using Scripture to interpret Scripture when preaching on Old Testament texts, the preacher needs to consider what? Pg. 104 Any New Testament: 1. use of the text 2. fulfillment of the text 3. parallel or contrast to the text 4. development on or perspective for the text
24. During the preacher’s organization of the expository message, what three questions should be asked of the text? Pg. 141-142 1. What is the dominating theme? 2. What are the integrating thoughts? 3. What is the motivating thrust?
25. According to the text, the outline of integrating thoughts should be what? Pg. 145-149 1. Biblical 2. Logical 3. Applicable 4. Memorable
26. What is “the thrust” that the third part of the organization process is to focus on? Pg. 152 The challenge, the Issue, the Purposeful function of the text.
27. What is as important as producing the sermon manuscript? Pg. 157 The process of writing a manuscript
28. List the three simple components of an expository sermon. Pg. 158 1. Introduction 2. Exposition 3. Conclusion
29. List the three separate movements of the sermon conclusion. Pg. 171-173 1. Clarification 2. Exhortation 3. Invitation
30. What three important aspects are desired in the delivery of the message? Pg. 181 1. Truth 2. Clarity 3. Passion
31. According to Dr. Duane Litfin, Paul’s “view of the role of a preacher contrasted sharply with that of” what? Pg. 184 Greco-Roman orator
32. In general, the preacher must seek to be sensitive, appropriate, and as brief as possible during what part of the message? Pg. 189 The initial comments.
33. What is the main part of the sermon? Pg. 193 The proclamation of the textual theme on the basis of textural evidence.
34. The preacher’s gifting and emphasis in ministry can impact what portion of the preaching event? Pg. 197 The style of presentation
35. State the general rule concerning mannerisms that should be avoided while preaching. Pg. 206 Avoid patterns and habits of gestures, facial expressions, etc, that do not communicate or enhance the truth.
36. Illustrations can bridge beautifully between what? Pg. 209 Explanation and application
37. List five ways that the preacher should preach. Pg. 211-212 1. With an apocalyptic purpose 2. With a theological position 3. With a Christological priority 4. With an eschatological perspective 5. With dependence upon a soteriological power
38. In Old Testament times, the words consecration and anointing were interchangeably employed for what meaning? Pg. 215 "Setting apart" servants of God like Aaron and his sons.
39. What three blessings of the Holy Spirit does the preacher need? Pg. 216 1. Baptism 2. Filling 3. Anointing
40. What is the twofold purpose of the anointing on preachers? Pg. 222 1. To reach people 2. To preach the gospel
41. According to the authors, the redemptive event of proclamation requires what threefold component? Pg. 235 A vital, vocal and visual presentation of truth.
42. Knowledge of truth can be arrived by an understanding of what two necessary essentials? Pg. 247 1. The Spirit’s Use of Language 2. The Spirit’s Terms of Reference
43. What three rules comprise the law of intent in the application of scripture? Pg. 255-257 We Must be: 1. Personal in our Application 2. Practical in our Application 3. Purposeful in our Application
44. If preaching is to be applied with any degree of effectiveness, there must be movement in the application of truth from the... Pg. 258 mind to the heart and from the heart to the will
45. In order to understand the nature of the gospel invitation, what three elements of the evangelistic appeal must be appreciated? Pg. 264-266 There Must Be: 1. Decision 2. Confession 3. Instruction
46. What reasons do the authors give for high-pressure appeals? Pg. 271-272 1. Lust for the "stats" of publicity 2. Lust for the skill of psychology 3. Lust for the signs of prosperity
47. Who is the instrument of conviction? Pg. 297 The Holy Spirit
48. Concerning the preacher’s dependence on Christ, what three things from Colossians 2 does Paul say that the believer has? Pg. 292-293 We have: 1. Knowledge in Christ 2. Wisdom in Christ 3. Fullness in Christ
49. What words does the text use to summarize the preacher’s motivation for the quality of ministry that God expects? Pg. 302 1. Hope 2. Fear 3. Love
50. Write Stephen Olford’s final words to the preacher. Pg. 311 Preach the "whole" Word, O man of God, Cost what it will, don't compromise; Walk in the path the Master trod, Then in "pure faith," expect the prize!
Created by: NICJOLLEY
Popular Religion sets




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