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Regions of the Head and Neck Vocabulary
Term | Definition |
Anterior Cervicle Triangle | Anterior region of the neck |
Buccal | Structures closest to the inner cheek |
Carotid Triangle | Smaller triangular region of the neck superior to the omohyoid muscle and a portion of the anterior cervical triangle |
Facial | Structures closest to the facial surface |
Hyoid Bone | Bone suspended in the neck that allows the attachment of many muscles |
Labial | Structures closest to the lips |
Lingual | Structures closest to the tongue |
Muscular Triangle | Smaller triangle region of the neck inferior to the omohyoid muscle and a portion of the anterior cervical triangle |
Occipital Triangle | Smaller triangle region of the neck superior to the omohyoid muscle and a portion of the posterior cervical triangle |
Palatal | Structures closest to the palate |
Posterior Cervical Triangle | Lateral region of the neck |
Regions of the Neck | Region that includes the anterior and posterior cervical triangles |
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle | Paired cervical muscle that seres as a primary landmark in the neck |
Subclavian Triangle | Smaller triangular region of the neck inferior to the omohyoid muscle and a portion of the posterior cervical triangle |
Submandibular Triangle | Portion of the anterior cercical trainagle formed by the mandible and anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle |
Submental Triangle | Unparied midline portion of the anterior cervical triangle crated by the right and left anterior bellies of the digastric muscle and the hyoid bone |
Vertical Dimension of the Face | The face divided into thirds |