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Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Periodization A long-term training plan that allows you to attain peak performance throughout the year.
Off Season (Preparatory/Transition Period) Low intensity and recreational training occurs
Preseason (Power Phase) High intensity and sport specific training occurs
In Season (Competition Period) High intensity and skills training occurs
SAID Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands
Warm-up Increases body temperature, stretches ligaments and muscles, and increases flexibility. Help prevent injuries and soreness
Motivation Vary the training program and incorporate different types of conditioning, keep the program enjoyable rather than having it become routine and boring
Overload See improvements in physiological components. Work harder than normal
Consistency Athlete engages in training and conditioning program on a consistent basis to make effective
Progression Increase intensity of the training gradually within the individual’s athletic ability to adapt to increasing workloads
Intensity How hard you are working, not how long you are working. Increase the tempo of workouts. Tired athletes are prone to injury
Specificity Program is designed to address specific components of fitness relative to the sport they are competing in. (Ex: strength, flexibility, and endurance)
Individuality Every athlete is different. A coach will adjust or alter the training accordingly to accommodate the athletes
Stress Pushing the athletes to their limit, however, considers other stressful aspects of their lives as well and allows them to be away from the conditioning demands of their sport if needed
Safety Make training environment as safe as possible. Educate athletes about proper technique, how they should feel during workouts, and when they should push harder or back off.
Cool Down This is done after a vigorous workout. Enables the body to cool and return to a resting state. Helps return blood to the heart for re-oxygenation to prevent cramps
Flexibility The range of motion possible about a given joint or series of joints. Essential for both successful performance and injury prevention
Active range of Motion Portion of the total range of motion through which a joint can be moved by an active muscle contraction
Passive Range of Motion Portion of the total range of motion through which a joint can be moved passively (no muscle contraction needed)
Strength Maximum force that can be applied by a muscle during a single maximum contraction
Endurance Ability to perform repetitive muscular contraction against some resistance for an extended time
Flexion Bending the movement that decreases the angle between two parts of the body (bending knee)
Extension Straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts (straightening the knee)
Agonistic Muscles Muscles directly engaged in contraction as related to muscles that relax at the same time (quadriceps)
Antagonistic Muscles Muscles that counteract the action of agonist muscles (hamstrings)
Hyperflexibility Flexibility beyond a joint’s normal range
Subluxation A bone is forced out but goes back into place
Ballistic Stretching Older stretching technique that uses repetitive bouncing motions
Static Stretching Passively stretching an antagonist muscle by placing it in a maximal stretch position and holding it there
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching technique that involve combinations of alternating contraction and stretching
Isometric Contraction Contracts the muscle statically without changing its length and produces tension (tightening muscle)
Concentric Contraction Muscle shortens while tension is developed to overcome or move some resistance (lifting a weight- bicep contracts)
Eccentric Contraction Resistance is greater than the muscular force being produced, and the muscle lengthens while producing tension (lowering a weight- bicep elongates)
Isotonic Exercise Form of exercise that shortens and lengthens the muscle through a complete range of motion
Autogenic Inhibition Relaxation of the antagonist muscle during contraction
Reciprocal Inhibition Contraction of the agonist muscle causing a reflexive relaxation in the antagonist muscle
Created by: MakailaC
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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