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Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada - Ch. 51

When is growth hormone high which disorder can result? acromegaly
When is ADH is high which disorder can result? Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
When is ADH is low which disorder can result? diabetes insipidus
When T3 & T4 are high which disorder can result? Hyperthyroidism/Graves Disease
When is T3 & T4 are low which disorder can result? Hypothyroidism
When TSH is high which disorder can result? Hypothyroidism
When TSH is low which disorder can result? Hyperthyroidism
When parathyroid is high which disorder can result? Hyperparathyroid
When parathyroid is low which disorder can result? Hypoparathyroid
When cortisol is high which disorder can result? Cushings Syndrome
When adrenal corticosteriods are low which disorder can result? Addisons disease
When aldosterone is high which disorder can result? Hyperaldosteronism
What does a history and physical exam provide Help to identify etiology
Enlargement of the hands, feet and bony tissues. Sleep apnea can occur from changes in tongue Acromegaly
Avoid coughing, sneezing, and straining following a Trans-sphenoidal surgery helps to prevent... leakage of CSF
Clear nasal drainage can be an indicator of CSF
Clinical manifestations include headaches, visual changes, loss of smell and nausea & vomiting Hypopituitarism
Characterized by fluid retention, dilutional hyponatremia, low urine output and hypo-osmolity SIAH
Causes of this include: Head trauma, psychosis, medications SIAH
Characterized by increased urinary output & plasma osmolality, Diabetes Insipidus
Clinical manifestations include polydipsia, nocturia, polyuria and hypovolumia if left untreated (tachycardia, hypotension & shock) Diabetes Insipidus
When there is a delay in ADH production or release. Central diabetes insipidus
When there is inadequate renal response to ADH despite presence in adequate levels. Nephrogenic diabetes insipdus
Lack of iodine in the diet is most common cause of this disorder Goitre
Autoimmune, insufficient iodine, infection, stress and genetics put the patient at risk for this disorder Hyperthyroidism
Bulging eyeballs, dry, irritated eyes and light sensitivity Exophthalmos
Related to effects of excess amounts of circulating thyroid hormones which directly increase metabolism and tissue sensitivity to SNS stimulation Hyperthyroidism
Severe tachycardia, heart failure, shock and hyperthermia Thyrotoxic crisis
After this surgery the nurse needs to monitor respirations (laryngeal stridor, hemorrhage) and trachael compression (neck swelling, sensations of fullness and choking) Thyroid surgery
Iodine deficiency most common cause worldwide Hypothyroidism
Clinical manifestations include cold intolerance, constipation, myxedema, loss of body hair and fatigue Hypothyroidism
This state be precipitated by infection, drugs (especially opioids, tranquilizers, and barbiturates), exposure to cold, and trauma. It is characterized by subnormal temperature, hypotension, and hypoventilation. Myxedema coma
When serum calcium or magnesium levels are low ... PTH secretion increases
Presents with HYPERcalcemia and HYPOphosphatemia  Hyperparathyroidism
Clinical manifestations include muscle weakness, fractures, kidney stones and constipation Hyperparathyroidism
Major post-op complications are associated with hemorrhage and fluid/electrolyte disturbances (tetany from sudden decrease in calcium) Parathyroidectomy
Presents with HYPOcalcemia and HYPERphosphatemia  Hypoparathyroidism
Clinical manifestations include tingling in lips, fingertips, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes and dysrhythmias Hypoparathyroidism
Can be caused from administration of exogenous corticosteroids (ex. prednisone) in large doses for several weeks or longer Cushing’s Syndrome
Clinical manifestations include weight gain, moon face, and purplish/red streaks on the abdomen Cushing’s Syndrome
Clinical manifestations include weight loss, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and hypotension Adrenocortical Insufficiency
These symptoms can indicate this medical emergency: hypotension, tachycardia, dehydration, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, fever, weakness and confusion Addisonian crisis
Is used for anti-inflammatory action, immunosuppression, maintenance of normal BP Corticosteroid Therapy
Will cause retention of sodium and excretion of potassium and hydrogen ion Excessive aldosterone secretion
Created by: KadduonoLU
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