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Articles 12-14 Quiz

St. Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, fought arian heresy, present at the first church council (Nicaea)
St. Basil the Great Cared for poor, he opened orphanages/soup kitchens, fought against Arianism
St. Ambrose Bishop of Milan, argues the church cannot be controlled by the Empire
St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo, Books: Confessions & The City of God, in the top two intellectuals of Catholic history
St. Jerome Monastery in Bethlehem, OT- Hebrew & NT - Greek to Latin Vulgate
St. John Chrysostom Bishop of Constantinople, rallies against corruption in Church & in gov't, called golden-mouthed for his preaching
Pope St. Leo the Great Stresses papal authority, Emperor cannot control church, "Tome" - 2 natures fully human & diving, Attila the Hun attacks Rome and he talks Attila down.
Pope St. Gregory the Great Gregorian chant, evangelizes the Anglo-Saxons
What event allows the Eastern Empire to grow in influence and power? The capital's moving from Rome to Constantinople
What outside forces, literally, put stress on the Western Empire? Barbarian invasions
What four things are identified as making the West more vulnerable to attack? Social and moral decay, weekend military, ever-expanding empire, and economic hardships
What happens in 410? Rome is sacked by the Visigoths
How did Augustine's City of God play into this time in history? Helped Christians see that they were building something good even in the midst of a crumbling earthly empire
Who was the last Western Emperor, who deposed him? Romulus Augustus was the last Western Emperor deposed by Odoacer
What date is associated with the end of the Western Empire? 476
Created by: margaret_05
Popular Religion sets




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