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REL 130 Exam 2

exam 2 study guide

Rameses 2 - Pharoah of the exodus
Merneptah Stela - Son of Ramses
Plan of Pharaoh (Exod 1) - His goal was to end the Israelites
Plagues - Historical phenomenon
Signs and wonders (OT concept of miracle) - Visible evidence of power/presence of Yah Yahweh is creator; anything can be sign of presence
Crossing of the Sea - climax of the Exodus (Ex 13.17)
Red/Reed Sea - Translates yam suf; the sea Moses parted
Wilderness stories, themes, underlying issue (Ex 17:7) - Complaining of the Israelites: Is Yahweh among us or not? Protection by Yahweh: Manna and quail Fighting against desert tribes
Manna and quail - Food of the wilderness, what the Lord provided for them in response to their complaining
Tetragrammaton - YHWH (four letters)
Sinai Covenant - Covenant that establishes Israel as his people
Covenant - An agreement that establishes a relationship between two people
Decalogue - "Ten Words"
Ten Commandments: how counted, meaning, etc: Jewish tradition the “ten words” begin with Exodus 20:2 - called the first word/utterance then is followed by the 9 actual commandments
Ten Commandments: how counted, meaning, etc: Roman Catholic/Lutheran the first commandment is Exodus 20: 2-5, and the last two follow the version in Deuteronomy 5, separating the ‘coveting’ of the neighbor’s wife and of his other property into two commandments.
Ten Commandments: how counted, meaning, etc: Protestant/Orthodox the first commandment is “You shall have no other gods apart from me,” followed by the remaining nine, following the text of Exodus 20
Types of ANE treaty-covenants: Vassal one party is the overlord while the other is a vassel
Types of ANE treaty-covenants: Parity both parties are equal
Israel’s covenant obligations to Yahweh - Obey the voice of Yahweh, keep the covenant
Ark of the Covenant - Small portable box that held the 10 commandments
Tent of Meeting - Where Yahweh met with Israel in worship - also called the tabernacle, superceded by Temple
Mosaic Yahwism Religion of Israel
Mosaic Yahwism: its 3 ideas - 1. Yahweh is a God, or Lord, of history 2. Relationship between Yahweh and Israel us defined by: election, covenant, law 3. Exclusive worship of Yahweh (monotheism)
Apodictic and case law: Apodictic you shall/not rules
Apodictic and case law: Case crime and punishment rules
“Eye for an eye” - Lex talionis, principle denoted by "eye for an eye" Punishment is supposed to match the crime
Widow, orphan, resident alien - Most vunerable people in society in the covenant code
Justice as Neighborliness - Nation of people who were neighbors, they had an obligation to each other
Deuteronomic/Deuteronomistic History (DH) books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, created by deuteronomic historians
Dt view of history (Dt theology) - Obedience/faithfulness to Yahweh brings blessing Disobedience/unfaithfulness to Yahweh brings judgement
Practicing the Ban (herem) - Dedicating or "devoting" one's enemy as a sacrifice to one's god
Shiloh - Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept
the Judges - Men and women who led Israel in war as military commanders; in peace as governors, settling disputes among the tribes
Amarna Letters - Info on the political situation in Canaan ( 14th C)
Ras Shamra Texts - Info on religion in Canaan (14th C)
Baal - Storm god, lord of the earth, giver of grain
Internal Revolt Theory (Revolt Model) - Conquest as a revolt by Canaanite peasants against city-state overlords
Tribal land allotments: Judah, Ephraim, Benjamin - Three most important tribes in Hill country North: Ephraim South: Judah In the Middle: Benjamin
Military Conquest Theory (Conquest Model) - (Conquest) by invading Israelites
Early Israelite farming practices & settlements - Terraced farming, collection of rain water (cisterns), farm houses (?)
Gradual Emergence Theory (Emergence Model) - Israel only gradually emerged as an entity in Canaan, from ruralizing Canaanites and Yahwistic traditions/people
Samuel - A prophet who anoints the first 2 kings; one of the most important figure in the establishment of kingship
Philistines - The threat to Israel
Iron - Only the Philistines had incorporated iron into their weapons
Capture of the Ark and Destruction of Shiloh - taken at the battle of Aphek
Anointing - Pouring of oil on one's head
the “Lord’s Anointed” or “Anointed of Yahweh” - To be chosen by God
Saul’s downfall - - Loss of Yahweh's spirit (Two conflicts w/ Samuel: Doesn’t wait for sacrifice with Samuel, Doesn't practice the ban) - Threat of David - Depression and Paranoia
David - Son of Jesse, warrior, shepherd, poet, military commander, outlaw to Saul and vassal to Philistines
Joshua- Moses' Successor
Holy War - conquest to gain land, they're supposed to practice the ban
Exodus (1250 or 13th c BCE) - Being brought out of oppression by Yahweh
Land of Goshen - Settlement in Delta region of Lower Egypt
Theophany of the Burning Bush - Call of Moses (Ex 3-4)
Yahweh/Jehovah/YHWH, meaning of the divine name - Yahweh - the Lord Jehovah - english translation of Yahweh YHWH - Tetragrammaton (four letters)
Exodus 19: Invitation to the Covenant - -The basis of the covenant Yahweh's initiative to deliver them from slavery - tipulations of the Covenant - be faithful/obey his voice -Consequences for Israel - election + national purpose - God chooses who's anointed -Comparison with ANE treaty
Covenant Code (Exod 21-23) - Encyclopedia of Laws; example of case law
Tribal League - league of 12 tribes of Jacob
Shiloh - Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept; meeting places local shrines
Cult (temple) prostitutes - used for the fertility rites
Canaanite fertility rites - religious practices (rites) performed to ensure fertility of the soil
Peaceful Settlement Theory (Infiltration Model) - Immigration and became allies with indigenous people
Issues in reconstructing the conquest - differing biblical depictions w/ mixed histo/arch evidence
Failure of the Tribal League: Factors - 1. Threat of the Philistines in late settlement pd 2. Weakness of Tribal League: Decentralized and philistines had monopoly on iron 3. Crisis: Philistines captured the ark and destroyed Shiloh
Bio Info on and Reign of Saul & *David Saul killed thousands and David tens of thousands, Saul reigned 20 years while David 40
Historical Reconstruction of the Exodus- Entry into Egypt - 1700 BCE (Hyksos rule over Egypt) - Period of disfavor - 1250 BCE (thrown out and used as labor forces) Oppression and Exodus - 19th dynasty (Ramses II) - settled in the land of Goshen End date of Exodus: Stela Merneptah
1st Commandment You shall have no other God's before me
2nd Commandment Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images
3rd Commandment Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
4th Commandment Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy
5th Comnnandment Honor your father and mother
6th Commandment Thou shalt not kill
7th Commandment Thou shalt not commit adultery
8th Commandment Thou shalt not steal
9th Commandment Thou shall not bear false witness
10th Commandment You shall not covet
Moses' brother Aaron
Moses' sister Miriam
Created by: zoeyvanolinda
Popular Religion sets




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