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Infant to Adolescent Growth & Development

Infants Double Their Weight In 6 months
Infants Triple Their Weight In 12 months
Most Organs Are immature at birth, and develop and mature over the first year of life.
Infant Psychosocial Task Trust vs. Mistrust
Cognitive Development in Infancy Sensorimotor, using their senses to progress motor skills and master their environment
A 12 Month Old Should Be Able To Babble, using two or three words with meaning
Solid Foods Should Be Introduced At age 4-6 months, and a spoon should be used to feed the infant, with rice cereal added to the first food.
New Foods Should Be Introduced At Least 3-5 days apart
A Cup May Be Introduced At 6 Months, no-spill sippy cups are generally not recommended
Colic & Spitting Up Are normal parts of development in the otherwise thriving infant and do not require medical attention
Infancy Encompasses The first 12 months following birth
Appropriate Toys For Newborn to 1 Month Mobile with contrasting colors or patterns, unbreakable mirror, soft music via tape or music box, soft brightly colored toys
Appropriate Toys For 1-4 Months Bright Mobile, unbreakable mirror, rattles, singing by parent or caregiver, varied music. High contrast patterns in books or images
Appropriate Toys For 4-7 Months Fabric or board books, different types of music, easy to hold toys that do things or make noise, floating, squirting bath toys, soft dolls or animals
Appropriate Toys For 8-12 Months Plastic cups, bowels, buckets, unbreakable mirror, large building blocks, stacking toys, busy boxes with buttons or knobs, balls, dolls, board books with large pictures, toy telephone, push-pull toys (older infants)
Foods to Avoid in Infancy Honey, Egg yolks and meats (until 10 months of age), excessive amounts of fruit juice, foods likely to cause choking, popcorn, other small hard foods (raw carrot chunks), grapes and hotdog slices (cut smaller), foods likely to cause allergic reactions, citrus, strawberries, wheat, cow's milk, egg whites.
Cow's Milk in Infancy Does not provide an adequate balance of nutrients, especially iron. May also overload the renal system with inappropriate amounts of protein, sodium, and minerals. Should never be given in an infant because of the potential to cause an allergic reaction. Parents should avoid adding fruit juices to the infant's diet because
Fruit Juices in Infancy Fruit juices should be avoided because the infant's need the protein and fat in breast milk or formula. It would displace these important nutrients
Fluid in Infancy 100 mL/kg/day for first 10 kg, 50 mL/kg/day for next 10 kg
Fluid in the Newborn 140-160 mL/kg/day
Calories in Infancy 1-6 months: 108 kcal/day, 6-12 months: 98 kcal/kg
Calories in the Newborn 105-108 kcal/kg/day
Toddler Guidance Should not be told no, don't, stop, without a direction of what to do instead. Offer limited choices when a choice is truly available. Role model appropriate communication, avoid yelling. Pay attention to your voice, statements should sound like statements. When a toddler is aggressive, label the child's feelings calmy, but be firm, and consistent.
Toddler Visual Acuity Progresses to at least 20/50
Negativism in Toddlers Inhibits their attempt to exert their independence.
Toddler Growth is Promoted Through Active gross motor play, books, music, and block building.
Major Concern in Toddler Years Safety, they are very curious, and experiment with autonomy.
Teeth in Toddler Years All teeth are erupted by 30 months of age. May be kept healthy with appropriate tooth brushing and fluoride supplementation
Toddler Appetite May be decreased when growth slows, but nutritional intake is still important.
Expected Issues in Toddler Years Thumb Sucking, Pacifier Use, Security Items, and Temper Tantrums.
Toddler Discipline Focuses on clear limits and consistency. Should not involve spanking. Should be balanced with a caring and nurturing environment along with frequent praise for appropriate behavior
Toddlers Consuming a Strictly Vegan Diet At risk for deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and iron. Supplements should be provided.
Maternal Depression May not be as sensitive to their children as other mothers. For this reason, children may suffer with poor cognitive development
Most Dangerous Potential Poisons Medicines (especially iron), cleaning products, antifreeze, alcohol, pesticides, gasoline, kerosene, lamp oil, furniture polish, wild mushrooms.
Multiple Languages Can lead to simultaneous acquisition of both languages. The first word may be slightly delayed as compared with single language speakers. But still occurs within the normal range.
Spanking in Toddlers Less effective than time-out, and children younger than 18 months of age are not capable of making the appropriate connections between spanking and the undesired behavior.
Physical Punishment in Toddlers May lead to proviolence attitude, may create resentment in the toddler, is a poor model for learning, may be correlated with antisocial and criminal behavior later in life, leads to increased aggression in preschoolers, school-aged, and adults, may weaken the parent-child relationship
Dietary Fiber Applesauce, Carrots, Corn, Green Beans, Mangos, Pears
Folate Avocados, Broccoli, Green Peas, Oranges, Spinach & dark greens, Strawberries
Vitamin A Apricots, Cantaloupe, Carrots Mangos Spinach & Dark Greens, Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin C Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Green Peas, Oranges, Potatoes, Strawberries, Tomatoes
Preschooler Growth Slower rate and takes more of a slender and upright appearance
Preschool Eating Habits Erratic eaters and will eat very well one day and then may eat very little the next day. Food jags are not common in the preschooler, but are common in toddlers. Need about 20-30% of fat in a well-balanced diet.
Corporal Punishment Not only causes physical and emotional pain, it also decreases learning capacity
Cognitive Development Moves from egocentric approach toward a more empathetic understanding of what happens outside of self
Dysfluency Hesitancy in speech is normal findings in preschool period and occurs as a result of the fast pace in which the preschooler is gaining language skills and vocabulary
Preschooler Sleep 12 hours of sleep, and benefit from a structured bedtime routine. Night terrors and nightmares may occur during this period.
Masturbation May occur as the preschooler discovers their body. If not excessive, it is considered a normal part of growth and development
Bullying in School Children Often have low self-esteem, poor grades, and poor interpersonal skills. Both boys and girls are bullied, but boys tend to bully other boys more often, and more often show force with bullying
School-Aged Growth Slow and steady, with social and cognitive development progressing rapidly.
School-Aged Height Increases approximately 6-7 cm (2.5) in per year
School-Aged Weight Increased 3-3.5 kg (7lbs) per year
School-Aged Cognitive Development Develops the ability to classify objects and to identify relationships between objects.
Dental Care Very important to prevent dental caries, malocclusion, and other problems. Early school age loose their first primary teeth
Factors Influencing the Adolescent Diet Peer Pressure, Busy Schedules, Concerns about weight, convenience of fast food.
Foods high in iron Beef, chicken, seafood, liver, tofu, lentils and legumes, nuts and seeds, green peas, lima beans, eggs, dark leafy veggies such as spinach. Iron-fortified cereals, whole grain breads, and pastas
Factors Contributing to Adolescent Violence Crowded conditions/housing, Low socioeconomic status, Limited parental supervision/involvement, Single-parent families/both parents in workforce, History of violent victimization, Poor family functioning, Access to guns or cars, Drug or alcohol use, Low self-esteem, Racism, Peer or gang pressure, Aggression
Risk Factors for Suicide in Adolescents Depression or other mental illness, Mental health changes, History of previous suicide attempt, Poor school performance, Family disorganization, Substance abuse, Homosexuality, Giving away valued possessions, Being a loner/having no close friends, Changes in behavior, Incarceration
Risk Factors for Gang Involvement in Adolescents Delinquency involvement, especially at a young age, History of or victim of physical violence or aggression, Alcohol and drug use
Physiological Changes of Early Adolescence (10-13 years) - Female Pubic hair begins to curl and spread over mons pubis. Genitalia pigmentation increases. Breast bud and areola continue to enlarge. No separation of breasts. First menstrual period (average 12 years, normal range 9-16 years)
Physiological Changes of Middle Adolescence (14-16 years) - Female Pubic hair becomes more coarse in texture and continues to curl. Amount of hair increases. Areola and papilla separate from the contour of the breast to form a secondary mound
Physiological Changes of Late Adolescence (17-20 years) - Female Mature pubic hair distribution and coarseness
Physiological Changes of Early Adolescence (10-13 years) - Male Pubic hair spreads laterally, begins to curl. Pigmentation increases. Growth and enlargement of testes, scrotum (scrotum reddish in color) and continued lengthening of penis. Leggy look to extremities, growing faster than trunk.
Physiological Changes of Middle Adolescence (14-16 years) - Male Pubic hair becomes coarser in texture and takes on an adult distribution. Testes and scrotum continue to grow. Scrotal skin darkens. Penis grows in width and glans penis develops. May experience breast enlargement. Voice changes, more masculine due to rapid enlargement of the larynx and pharynx as well as lung changes
Physiological Changes of Late Adolescence (17-20 years) - Male Mature pubic hair distribution and coarseness. Breast enlargement disappears. Adult size and shape testes, scrotum, and penis. Scrotal skin darkening.
Adolescent Sexuality Your choice to engage, do not be influence dby others. Pregnancy, HIV, STIs can occur with any sexual encounter. Sexual activity in a mature relationship should be pleasurable for both parties.
Adolescence and Tattoos Infections occur as a result of nonsterile equipment used in the procedure, Tattoos are open wounds predisposing to infection
Cultural Considerations Regarding Menarche African-American girls on average reach menarche slightly earlier than Caucasian girls
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