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Question | Answer |
dignity of the human person | about the dignity of the human person in the image of god and how they should never have their dignity of freedom compromised |
care for our common home | looking after our world as we only have one, responsible for taking care of gods creation together |
solidarity | about people working together to make the world better as one would help those in need, willing to do something in expense of yourself to benefit others |
subsidiarity and participation | about people being involved in making decisions about themselves, should be made by those closest and most affect by issue |
preferential option for the poor | about looking after the poor, helping them and giving them the rights they deserve which is what god would have wanted |
the common good | about working together to improve the wellbeing of people and to make their lives better/more fair in society |
2 documents that inform principles | laudato si 'praise be to you' gaudium et spes 'joy and hope' |
social justice issue | homelessness |
homelessness cst | preferential option for the poor |
homelessness = preferential option for the poor | about helping those less fortunate and provide them with a life god would have wanted for anyone |
big issues response | support and create work opportunities, big issue classroom, community street soccer program, homes for homes |
st vincent de paul society | provide services for those at risk of homelessness, drug and alcohol, family violence |