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Ch 17 Biology 116

ch 17 learning outcomes

Identify the components of the cardiovascular system. The heart, blood vessels, and blood.
What are the functions of blood? Transport dissolved gases, nutrients, hormones, and metabolic wastes. Regulate pH and ion composition. Restrict fluid loss at injury sites and stabilize body temp.
Identify the two components making up whole blood and list the composition of each. Plasma and formed elements.
Define hematocrit. The percentage of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements.
Which specific plasma proteins would you expect to be elevated during an infection? Immunoglobulins (antibodies).
Define hemocytoblasts. Form from hematopoietic stem cells and divide into red bone marrow, producing two types of cells; lymphoid stem cells and myeloid stem cells.
Describe platelets and their origin. Cell fragments that develop from megakaryocytes. They are platelets that enter the bloodstream.
Compare the types of cells that lymphoid stem cells and myeloid stem cells produce. Lymphoid: give rise to lymphocytes. Myeloid: Give rise to all formed elements besides lymphocytes.
What is hematology? Medical study of blood of blood, blood producing organisms, and blood disorders.
Describe a complete blood count (CBC). Diagnostic blood test used to determine underlying medical conditions.
Which condition would a patient have if she had a depressed hematocrit level? Anemia.
Describe the functional aspects of RBCs. (1) Large surface area-to-area volume ratio. (2) Ability to form stacked cells (3) Flexibility
Describe hemoglobin. Protein composed of four globular subunits that allows transportation of oxygen in the blood.
Compare oxyhemoglobin with deoxyhemoglobin. Oxyhemoglobin is iron bound to oxygen Deoxyhemoglobin's iron is not bound to oxygen.
In what way would a liver disease affect the level of bilirubin in the blood? There would be an inability to produce bilirubin in the bile.
What is determined by the surface antigens on RBCs? Blood type.
What is the most common blood type in the United States? O+
Which blood type(s) can safely be transfused into a person with O- blood? O-
Why can't a person with type A blood safely receive blood from a person with type B blood? Because they have anti-B antibodies, would cause agglutination and block blood flow to organs and tissues.
Define hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). Maternal antibodies attack and destroy fetal RBCs resulting in fetal anemia, mostly happens to Rh- Mother carrying an Rh+ fetus.
Why is RhoGAM administered to pregnant Rh- women? So that the mother's immune system doesn't make antibodies that could destroy and kill fetus' RBCs.
Does an Rh+ mother carrying an Rh- fetus require a RhoGAM injection? Explain your answer. No because fetus lacks the Rh surface antigens.
Identify the five types of white blood cells. Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes.
How to basophils respond to tissue damage? Enter damaged tissues and release chemicals like histamine that promote inflammation.
Which type of white blood cell would you find in the greatest number in an infected cut? Neutrophils.
Define hemostasis. Stopping of bleeding. Involves the vascular phase, platelet phase, and the coagulation phase.
Briefly describe the vascular, platelet, and coagulation phases of hemostasis. Vascular, is at the injury site, platelet, adheres to damaged blood vessel surfaces. Coagulation phase, form blood clots.
Describe the events that follow the coagulation phase. Clot retraction and fibrinolysis.
Compare pernicious anemia with iron deficiency anemia. Pernicious anemia- insufficient RBC production (lack of B12) Iron deficiency anemia- Dietary intake and absorption of iron is lacking.
Identify the two types of leukemia. Myeloid and Lymphoid leukemia.
Explain why venipuncture is a common clinical procedure for obtaining blood. Blood is collected from a superficial vein, because they are easy to locate and have thinner walls.
Created by: caylisrosson
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