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Shock and Mods

HGTC NUR 221 Test 3 Shock/Mods

Physiologic responses to all types of shock include the following activation of the inflammatory response, hypermetabolism, hypoperfusion of tissues
A patient's blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg. What is his MAP? 83
How is MAP calculated? systolic BP + (2 x diastolic pressure) divided by 3
Baroreceptors are a primary mechanism of blood pressure regulation which results from the initial stimulation of what types of receptors? pressure
Which type of shock is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction? Anaphylictic
The initial stage of shock characterized by a normal blood pressure is the compensatory stage
The nurse knows to report an early indicator of compensatory shock such as a pulse pressure of: 25 mm Hg
In progressive stage shock, clinical hypotension is present if the sytematic blood pressure is: 85 mm Hg
The nurse assesses a patient in compensatory shock whose lungs have decompensated. To assess for this condition, the nurse should look for respirations fewer than 15 breaths/min.
Oliguria occurs in the progressive stage of shock because the kidneys compensate. To asses for this condition, the nurse should look for which of the following signs or symptoms? systolic BP greater than 120 mm Hg
Hematologic system changes in progressive shock would NOT be characterized by hypertension
The nurse would expect acute renal failure to develop when the mean arterial pressure reaches 65 mm Hg
Depleted ATP stores and multiple organ failure are characteristics of which stage of shock? irreversible stage
Patients receiving fluid replacement should frequently be monitored for: adequate urinary output, changes in mental status, vital signs stability
The most commonly used colloidal solution to treat hypovolemic shock is: 5% albumin
Vasoactive agents are effective in treating shock because of there ability to increase cardiac output
A common vasoactive agent used to improve cardiac contractility is dopamine
Hypovolemic shock occurs when intravascular volume decreases by 15-25%
Coronary cardiogenic shock is seen primarily in patients with myocardial infarction
In cardiogenic shock, decreased cardiac contractility leads to all the following compensatory responses EXCEPT: increased stroke volume
In cardiogenic shock, decreased cardiac contractility leads to the following compensatory responses: decreased stroke volume, decreased tissue perfusion, pulmonary congestion
The primary goal of treating cardiogenic shock is to treat the oxygenization needs of the heart muscle
The drug of choice for cardiac pain relief is: morphine
Sympathomimetic drugs increase cardiac output by the following measures: increasing myocardial contractility, tachycardia, vasoconstriction
The nurse assesses for the negative effect of intravenous nitroglycerine (tridil) for shock management, which is increased blood pressure
The sequence of organ failure in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) usually begins in the lungs
A clinical sign of septic shock would not be bradypnea
The primary cause of distributive shock is arterial and venous dilatation
Which of the following vasoactive agents is used for its vasoconstrictive properties? Norepinephren (Levophed) is a vasoconstrictor used in the treatment of shock
A patient has a blood pressure of 150/90. What is the pulse pressure? 60
How do you determine pulse pressure? Systolic BP - Diastolic BP example: 150-90= 60
Proper positing for a patient showing signs of shock is: Modified Trendelenburg. (The lower extremities are elevated to an angle of about 20 degrees; the knees are straight, the trunk is horizontal, and the head is slightly elevated.
A colloid that rapidly expands plasma volume: albumin
A central line used to monitor central venous pressure: CVP
A popular vasoactive agent that improves cardiac contractility dopamine
The most common side effect of fluid replacement in shock: pulmonary edema
These solutions are used to expand intravascular volume in shock: colloids
A vasodilator used to reduce the hearts demand for oxygen in conditions of shock: Tridil
The nurse knows that the progressive pattern of changes in vital signs is more important than the exact readings. A __________ in pulse rate, followed by a _____ in BP, is indicative of shock. rise, decline
A urine output of less than__________ is indicative of decreased glomular filtration. 30 mL/hr
Fluids used to treat shock include: colloids, ringers lactate, normal saline
Septic shock is most commonly caused by gram-negative organisms. A common gram-negative bacteria is: escheria coli
The 4 modalities of treatment essential to manage septic shock are: aggressive fluid replacement, antibiotics, crystalloids, and colloids
The 2 most common and serious side effects of fluid replacement are: cardiovascular overload and pulmonary edema
A CVP helps monitor fluid replacement. A normal CP value is: 4-12 cm H20
The nurse suspects the dr. will request body fluid specimens for her septic patient. The nurse prepares to collect specimens of:___________, __________,___________, and_______ urine, blood, sputum, and wound drainage
Created by: Laurie2000
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