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Cranial Nerves: Type
Table 23-2 Weber p. 545
Cranial Nerve Roman Numeral | Cranial Nere (Name) | Type of Impulse | Function |
I 1 on | Olfactory | sensory | carries smell impulses from nasal mucous membrane to brain |
II 2 old | Optic | Sensory | Carries Visual Impulses from eye to brain |
III 3olympis | Oculomoter | Motor | Contracts eye muscles to contrl eye movements (Inferior, lateral, medial, and superior)constricts pupils and elevates eyelids. |
IV 4 towering | Trochlear | Motor | Contracts one eye muscle to control inferior medial eye movement |
V 5 Tops | Trigeminal | Sensory, motor | Sensory = Carries Sensory Impulses of pain touch temperature from the face to the brain Influences clenching and lateral jaw movements (biting, chewing) |
VI 6 A | Abducens | Motor | Controls lateral eye movements |
VII 7 Fin | Facial | Sensory Motor | Contains sensory fibers for taste on anterior two thirds of tongueand stimulates secretions fromsalivary glands (submaxillary and sublingual) and tears from lacrimal glands. Supplies the facial muscles and effects facial expressions (smile,frown,cloeeye |
VIII 8 And | acustic, vestibulochlear | Sensory | Contains sensory fibers 4 hearing & balance |
IX 9 German | glossopharyngeal | Sensory motor | contains sensory fibers for taste on posterior third of tongue and sensory fibers of the phsrynx that result in the "gag reflex" when stimulated. Provides secretory fibers to the parotid salivary glands: Promotes swallowing movements. |
X 10 Viewed | Vagus | Sensory Motor | Sensory Carries sensations from the throat, larynx, heart, lungs, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract and abdominal viscera Motor = Promotes swallowing, talking, and production of digestive juices |
XI 11 Some | Spinal Accessory | Motor | Inneravates neck muscles, (sternocleidomastoid and trapezius) that promote movement of sholders and head rotation. Also promotes some movement of the larynx |
XII 12 Hops | hypoglossal | Motor | Inneravates tongue muscles that promote the movement of food & Talking |