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AP Human Vocab Test
Term | Definition |
Autonomous Region | A region within a location that is allowed to govern independently of the national government.(Hong Kong and Tibet) |
Multinational State | States that have multiple national identities(US, former Yugoslavia, Nigeria) |
Multi-state Nation | Nations that are present in multiple states(former USSR, former Yugoslavia, Jewish people) |
Nation | A group of people with a common identity through shared cultural traits such as language, religion, culture or heritage. |
Nation-state | Borders of a state match the national identity due to isolation, laws against migrations, islands etc.(Japan, Iceland, Korea) |
Semi-autonomous Region | A region within a location that is allowed to partially govern independently of the national government.(Quebec) |
State | A country. Must have defined territories, a permanent population, a government, sovereignty, and recognition from other major countries. |
Stateless Nation | Nations of people that don't have a state.(Palestinians, Kurds) |
Self-determination | When a country determines its own statehood and forms it own allegiances and government. |
Sovereignty | A self-governing state or supreme power and authority. |
Antecedent Boundary | A boundary was drawn before a large population was present. (The boundary between the US and Canada along the 49th parallel) |
Consequent Boundary | A boundary that has been established as a consequence of political settlement between two opposing cultural, ethnic or political groups. (The Green Line between Israel and Palestine) |
Cultural (Ethnographic) Boundary | Define areas in which the population has some cultural heritage, language or belief in common. (Border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) |
Geometric Boundary | Borders that are established on straight lines of latitude and longitude instead of physical and cultural boundaries. (Border between N. and S. Korea and border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq) |
Natural (Physical) Boundary | A boundary that is a naturally occuring barrier between two areas. (The Mississippi River) |
Relic Boundary | A boundary that no longer exists, but evidence of it still exists on the landscape. (The boundary between East and West Germany) |
Subsequent Boundary | A boundary drawn to accommodate religious, ethnic, linguistic or economic differences. (The boundary between North Ireland(Part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland) |
Superimposed Boundary | A boundary drawn by outside powers. (The boundary between Mali and Mauritania)(Common in Asia and Africa) |
Gerrymandering | Redistricting for a political advantage; when the majority political party in the state legislature draws political boundaries to maintain or extend power. |
Devolution | The process in which regions in a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government. |
Ethnic Cleansing | State governments attack an ethnic group in an attempt to try to eliminate them through expulsion, imprisonment, or mass murder. (Uyghurs in China) |
Ethnic Separatism | People of a particular ethnicity in a multinational state identify more strongly with their ethnic group than as citizens of the state. |
Ethnic Separatism | Many times as a result of mistreatment or disparity between dominant ethnic group and minority ethnic group within a state. (Tibetan Buddhists in China) |
Genocide | The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. (The Holocaust) |
Irredentism | A majority ethnic group wants to claim territory from a neighboring state due to a shared culture with the people residing across the border. Reunification of multistate nations. (Russia in Ukraine and other former Soviet republics) |
Decolonization | The undoing of colonialism. The action or process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leaving it independent. (Many European nations after WWII) |
Enclave | A portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct. (San Marino and Vatican City) |
Exclave | A portion of territory of one state completely surrounded by territory of another or others, as viewed by the home territory. (Cabinda is an exclave of Angola that is separated from the rest of the country) |
Territoriality | A willingness by one person or group of people to defend space they claim. People express their territoriality when they influence others or shape events by asserting control over a space. |
Centripetal force | An attitude that unifies people and enhances support for a state. (National Identity etc.) |
Centrifugal force | Forces or attitudes that tend to divide a state. (differing religion or languages, an unstable government, internal conflict, and geographic features that physically divide people) |
Nationalism | Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. |
Colonialism | The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. |